Gasmask Lincoln Jackson

Are you basing TOS on American standards or international?

Yes, but changing a TOS midstream, especially in countries where TOS does not protect a company the same way it does in the United States, is a very tricky thing and, in general, gives more power to the user than the provider. In other words, by changing the TOS to disallow a once allowable activity, the provider was

I think so, but I honestly cannot say with certainty.

I play the game in question. The TOS was change 7 months ago.

Um, first, it's a "she", and secondly, they recently changed their TOS to make something she had been doing for 5 years no longer allowed.

Try decaff?

Wow. That's a remarkably myopic stance.

Which leaves the average 2nd Amendment chest-thumping moron, where, exactly, Chief?

"The second amendment is there so that in times of great tyranny, when the government has become complacent and begins stripping away our liberties, we may rise up and defend ourselves and our constitutionally guaranteed rights."

I would love it if either (or BOTH) games would come to the 360 or PS3. I'd gladly pick up the PS3 for these.

Not to mention the fact that you can get the year subscriptions for less than $60 at dozens of different places, making it even cheaper.

Mine is LaserBetrayer on Xbox Live. It was supposed to be LaserJudas, but someone, for some reason, had already taken it. The reason I was LaserJudas is because a friend of mine changed his message board screen name (for City of Heroes) to LaserJesus and I thought "what good is LaserJesus if he doesn't have a

Excellent satire, sir.

Just because some people say something works does not make it universal, either. Your asinine comment works both ways, you know.

Except I DID read the article, and here's what I know: I have two grown children that I raised without the "insight" of what that article presented, much of which is debatable at best. But, hey, go on with your bad self, Captain Yahoonews.

On my home planet, we have reading comprehension.

Yes, because yahoo.com is where everyone should get their parenting advice. Oh no, wait: the other thing.

Provelactics? Did you mean "prophylactics"?

You did.

Wow. Someone gets access to message boards halfway through puberty. Silly person thinking their opinion is news worthy.