
I love trailers for trailers!

How long is your reach? I've had this nagging itch on my back and I just can't quite…

It was Fern Gully on another planet. I don't have room in my mind for two, and nostalgia is stronger than flash imo.

Not only her brother, but her ex, who was all too happy to help, didn't seem on the level either.

It was good, but where was the follow up on Teresa's family. The documentary didn't go into detail about any other potential suspect, of which there is a huge list. Brendan's cousin just shows up in court one day with absolutely zero reference prior in the doc. There were a bunch of people on or around the property

Hasn't he already said the 70mm version would contain extra footage? Nothing too significant, but more nonetheless.

ABC better not apologize. There is absolutely nothing to be sorry about.

Parody, a loose one at that. No grounds. Her lawyer is an idiot (a bigger one than her) if he really thinks anything positive will come of this.