Jason Lefkowitz

"I broke someone up once so they'd fit into a suitcase. Does that count?"

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

Or maybe just let James Bond go and stop going through the increasingly awkward contortions required to shoehorn a character who's completely rooted in the world of the 1950s into the 21st century?

"Minnesota is a flat circle."

Why would the show be called "Mr. Robot" if he's just a guy who hires the protagonist, then does pretty much nothing?

This is also true; he was a huge fan of the Old West novels of Karl May, for example.

He actually had some admiration for the British, at least before the war — for the way they had managed to conquer India and hold it down with just a few administrators. To his mind, his designs on Eastern Europe were just another case of the same thing; it was to become Germany's India, a huge fertile territory whose

It may just be the hit-or-miss nature of the episodes this season — different episodes tickling different peoples' fancies. I don't think there's been one I hated per se, but there have been a couple that bored me, and some others that were OK but felt like first drafts.

It's streets ahead!

Eh, I dunno. This is the first episode of this season of Community that felt to me like an actual episode of Community, rather than a Sunday-matinee road-company version. I laughed out loud! Multiple times! EXTRA THICK STRAPS!

And yet even though she restrained herself, the very next thing we saw Harry do was… bad-mouth her all over the place.

I read both Bullock and Givens as angry characters, but with the key difference being how they relate to their anger. Bullock hated that part of himself and tried to repress it, with the result that he was wound up tighter than a drum. Givens accepts it as part of his character, and is consequently more relaxed and

Blu-Ray to play at home, DVD to play in the car. Lots of parents seem to use in-car DVD to keep the kids quiet on trips, so throwing in a DVD copy to keep in the car pitches it right at that audience.