
What are you doing with my Nano tubes Hal...Hal?

I'm not so sure they are dead. I don't have one, never saw what the fuss was about even back in the day. My 13 yr old daughter on the other hand, has one, loves it, wants a newer one all the time and all her friends have one. They're cool to the kids. As any deity will tell you, catch em while they're young and you

When farming stopped being our only way of processing food this was the natural conclusion. We have to go a long way back to get rid of all the bad bits in food.

they both look like that. The chicken is mechanically recovered meat.

I know you Americans aren't known for irony so please forgive me if, as I hope, your sentence was meant to be sarcastic but if not, please allow me to reword your sentence just a little...not the whole way, just the little bit that really annoys me.

Fair enough.

Not really that interesting as you are now trying to narrow it down to one point, can you prove or disprove gods existence?

Your thinking is flawed. You are saying that there is no proof of gods existence because he hides it because he can and all those fossils that disprove the earth is 6000 years old as the bible states are just his way of testing your faith?

"the sad part is that disbelievers like you won't know the answer while you're alive, but when you die, and when it'll be too late to realise that you were so wrong while you were alive and could do something about."

It is a lack of evidence that proves there is no God. I refute that both beliefs are equally valid, to believe something which is an ancient myth as fact with no evidence and with many variants is not the same as examining the evidence (fossils, carbon dating, evolution, council of nicea...i could go on) and coming

Thank you, I shall accept you as my first convert.

Yet all the evidence is there for everyone to see there is no god, most don't look. To believe something so important, so life changing simply on the word of others, IS stupid. Arrogant? Yes, wrong, no.

Why would my life have no purpose just because I don't believe in a creator? What evidence do you have to support this theory?

There is a direct link between the average iq of a nation and it's beliefs.

I love how this has quickly become a religion vs science debate.

My dad and I had already been hooked by the Sinclair ZX81, I'm not a programmer though, I'm a manager of a car dealership but I'm the man who can with all things IT and I put it down to being shown that something's can be made to do things...

The Vic 20, played games and I learnt to programme the damn thing.

And the gadget is?

I'd heard a little about these virtual worlds but then I read reamde by Neal Stephenson and I get it now. With theis sword he will probably win virtual battles and win virtual gold which can be really sold to newbie players who want to skip the lower levels. It's the future wether you like it (I don't) or believe it

has anyone got a sense of humour the commander can borrow?