
Well said. I'm the only worker in my family so whilst I buy for my daughter and wife they don't have money to spend on me. I don't care, seeing the look on my wifes and daughters face when they open the gifts...priceless.

Christmas the way you (US) and we (UK) celebrate it has got sod all to do with religion, it's about exchanging tokens of affection and having a family meal together. Anyone who thinks of it as more is stuck in the past. Yes, I'm an atheist but before you have a go at me, the tree is German, look up its origins, Santa

I agree and besides, these smartphones are just computers so maybe it was a method used on o e of their computers which is now used in a phone. Also, to the knob asking about steering wheels, if you found a new way to do it rather than the old rack and pin (?) which gave smoother more accurate car handling, you would

I know...just think of all the profit you would make! Phaa! If you did that, you wouldn't be able to moan about em!

One word. Star trek. Ok, that's two but if this works we can all be talking to majel Barrett!

They won't 'lose' money and disappear, depending how old you were when they used to rape their customers, they were most likely government owned and by that I mean we owned them. Now, you can buy shares in them so if you think they are greedy, buy some!


Also, even in my lifetime we have had the (American backed...just sayin) IRA setting off bombs in big cities, I live about ten miles away from Manchester and when the bomb went off we heard it and some of us had friends in the city.

No, the problem is the litigious nature of American society. Is greed truly good? I know what the argument is, I understand the bad feeling between both companies, I've read the Steve Jobs book and it seems to me they patented things we already had but use in a slightly different way. Great man that he undoubtably

When Bosch patented abs brakes, no one else stole it, they licenced it. No law suits. Simple. If Apple own the patent, no matter how wrong that may seem, it's the way it is.

God told them.

Can't argue with your maths but I doubt they will go for a number this time, it's just too complicated, and only geeks give a shit. My vote is on 'iPhone slim' or ,new iPhone' or 'iPhone air' or something new...

Steve Jobs acted line an arse at times, a lot of times according to the book but his employees (mostly) put up with it because he proved time and again that he was right and had the knack of building loyal teams. He built teams that built some of the most tactile tech ever and that kind of arse can be lived with.

This would be cool,if you attached a small strobe to your bike...and only rode in the dark...

The dailymail makes things up, it's sensationalist journalism and you have to remember there are 60 million people on this island and again, we report everything, you just pull a gun and say no more.

You must have read that a long time ago, knife crime is the only real big problem. There is more chance of winning the lottery than being a victim of Gun crime. You have to factor in what people report, in the UK getting mugged is rare, so it would be reported, in the US it's almost something you queue up for during

Yeah, I gathered that...I've read books and everything. Still, put an axe in your boot in the UK and if you got stopped and searched (our police don't really need a reason) you'll soon be experiencing a full body cavity search.

Great but I didn't mean you, I meant the guy I was replying to.

Road obstructions? Sometimes we might have a broken down car...

3 inch blade max to carry. Once we got rid of guns knife crime took over, banned them and slowly the deaths are decreasing. The US might want to try it. We had dunblane, similar to your columbine but we actually did something about it as guns aren't in our constitution. Mind you, religion is and that has killed more