Jason K Critic

The Nicolas Cage one-two punch of 'ConAir' and 'Face/Off' coming out three weeks apart in June 1997 summed up my 1997. I could not wait to see them, thought they were amazing, especially the latter, then spent the rest of the year telling everyone how awesome they were and bought the VHS probably in Dec. of 1997.

I'd say Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz from 'There's Something About Mary'. The whole "I'm a Niners fan is a pretty lame excuse for a happy ending. Although I like the case they made for 'Knocked Up'.

The party in 'Boogie Nights' where Dirk Diggler first comes to Jack Horner's house. The music, the women, the atmosphere looked intoxicating.

Oh it's a fantastic movie, but it definitely moved me… and the contents of my stomach. I just imagine all the cat poop everywhere. More gross than any fake gore in a horror movie.

'Grey Gardens' made me sick to my stomach, seeing those two women living in squalor. I imagined the wretched smell and all of the nastiness they were surrounded in especially when I saw them eating on screen.

I would say Ryan Reynolds in 'Deadpool', never liked him other than that and he was perfect!

You forgot to mentions 'Armageddon' and 'Saving Private Ryan', those should count to some extent as action movies. They definitely influenced the genre and both came out in the summer of 1998. I also liked 'The Mask of Zorro'.

What about Martin Scorsese's 'After Hours'? Cheech and Chong are both in that basically playing their personas.

Great article! Here is my take on Clint Eastwood's politics. I wrote this back after I first saw 'American Sniper' https://panandslam.com/2015…

I would say Dave Grohl as the Devil "Beelzeboss" during the rock off in 'Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny' is the best pop culture version of Satan

I'd say the 'Kids are Alright' by The Who, inserted into the movie 'The Kids are Alright'

You forgot Michael Richards and his beloved Mop from 'UHF'