
Eh. Yes and no. I’m a fan of both teams, but the Cardinal fans that Deadspin are always ripping on (the “BFIB” assholes, and they do deserve it) are the ones that will bitch at the Post-Dispatch about running a Blues playoff story above the fold instead of some stupid piece about Cardinal games in the first month of

You guys will probably think I’m an idiot but I have a question. Outside of work, where PCs are unfortunately required, I use all Apple products. Phones, computers, iPad, etc. Having said that I’m not a fanboy and I don’t keep up with any of Apple’s new bullshit. Is there a different MacBook now then just the MacBook

Say what you want about St. Louis...we have two light rail stations within a 10 minute walk to the Jones Dome. Despite the lack of transit access to the distant suburbs roughly 1/3 of fans arrived at the game by train. According to estimates by the Blues and Cardinals over 1/3 of fans arrive at their games by train as

Never mind the fact the development is in a flood plain. The St. Louis region just experienced some of the worst flooding in recent memory mainly because of developments like this and the levees they require. STOP BUILDING IN FLOOD PLAINS.

That vacant lot is a flood plain and should remain as such. The St. Louis region just experienced some of the worst flooding in recent memory specifically because of developments like this and the levees they need to protect them.

If this is your biggest problem of the day, I think you’ll be fine. And the Blues are currently paying their own way on Scottrade renovations.

Since you seem to be tied up with the semantics the original reply did say “...almost all of their stadium.” So technically he didn’t say the entire thing was paid privately. And considering roughly 80% was paid privately, the original reply isn’t incorrect. He also clarified his comments further, as did others,

For sure. If you’d like a local to show you around I’d be happy to. There are some pretty great neighborhoods in the older French sections of the city plus several inner burbs. Not to mention the inner burbs and older sections of the city are actually pretty accessible using light rail and short Uber rides. Stay away

It’s all good. I see it too, but I see it for every fan base. And for what it’s worth I actually enjoy the Deadspin (and Gawker) hate for the Cardinals. The fans they’re shitting on are the ones that need to be knocked down a peg or two. The rest of us don’t give a shit. The national press has never been friendly to

I’m from St. Louis, a Cardinal fan, and have dozens of friends, family members, and co workers who are Cardinal fans and not one of them is pissed about him leaving, in fact they’re not even talking about it. He was a rental who isn’t worth the paper his new contract is printed on. These are the same people who were

Am I the only one that, at first, read “YR” as Young and the Restless?

Are we sure all this “space weather” isn’t just a false flag so SPECTRE can finally destroy the Earth?

I won’t reply to everyone but you all make some excellent points. Especially about whether not the videos were a constant stream instead of motion or manual control. I don’t shoot any video so I wouldn’t know much about that. As far as screen caps from the videos, those would be extremely small files as they aren’t

What a disgusting creep. This particular line did catch my attention though...

Not that it really matters, but St. Louis County was removed from the plan many months ago. I believe it was even covered here. Only the City of St. Louis and the State of Missouri on the hook for this kerfuffle.

It costs anywhere from $5 to $40 bucks to park for a Cardinal game. If you want to park within 3 blocks of Busch or in any of the garages be prepared to shell out at least $20. I believe the Ballpark Village lots across Clark Street from the stadium run as high as $30 on game days. This despite the fact that over 1/3

I have ADD. There is nothing offensive in that comment, at all. I do however question how owen-magnetic knows this fan has ADD though. He just looks excited.