Jason J. Desrosiers

That we know of…

I have a suspicion this will lead to his resignation. How's he going to return in 6 months, thats like a decade in media. And as others have noted, it's not like his credibility is instantly restored either. So instead of just being an exaggerator he'll be an irrelevant exaggerator.

I agree that Thornhill makes more sense, can't see her accepting Chung at all.

I agree with Hipster, she wouldn't and couldn't bring back prohibition, it was a jest not a threat. He agreed to stay out of friendship and loyalty.

True, but its the same way with the political advisors for UK Ministers, but Ianucci was able to write a way of getting the new Minister to keep the old Minister's advisors on (Glen and Olly). Basically, she was so back bench before elevation that she had none of her own people.

Chung is a composite of several recent candidates. There's the
Obama-type younger, hip minority; there's the military service of McCain
and Kerry, including the 'Swift Boat' fake questioning of his record
later in Season 3; there's also a bit of Giuliani in him constantly mentioning the tank rescue, mirroring Rudy's

Watch The Thick of It and In The Loop, as good as Veep is, TToI is even better!

Well my understanding was that Nimoy wanted just to direct, so they wrote him out in WoK. But Spock was the most popular character of the franchise and Nimoy had a change of heart, Nimoy still got to direct SfS and TVH.