
Right! Where were all these women when they kicked out more than a dozen black women at a campus in Georgia or that young (black) lady that was assaulted and humiliated at a Trump rally? They picked the wrong hill to die on but hey, they’re gonna cape for each other. Women, gays, blacks and Latinos in the GOP are

Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.

I vividly remember those hearings. As a lifelong Democrat I can tell you: everyone on that committee looked like a bumbling idiot. There were no heroes among the Democrats when Anita Hill testified. And I’m not at all surprised that Biden’s people tried to rearrange the facts, given that he was still contemplating a

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Lovitz.

Garland isn’t a conservative. Christ, look into his record and try to understand the job of lower court judges.

I’ve heard the same story about Hoffman but it was Laurence Olivier from when they worked on Marathon Man together.

If he were in character, he wouldn’t have even known the name John Cazale.

Those instagram posts were ... a thing of beauty. Very well done, had me hooked.

I only learned about that here. It was pretty noteworthy. I miss Phil Hartman.

So she found a much older man that makes her happy. Who really cares? Let love rule.

OK, first off: Jessica Who?

Sanders really is showing to be a huge fucking asshole isn’t he? Typical white guy is what I say. Stomping his feet when he doesn’t get his way.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

The point is that Trump is a hideous demagogue using racist and xenophobic rhetoric to froth up atavistic tribal bigotries and resentments in a cynical attempt to seize the ultimate seat of American power, which he desires only to satiate his narcissistic, megalomaniacal hunger for personal dominance and that any

I am not afraid of Trump. I am afraid of the people who see in him an answer to all their darker impulses and hatreds. They may not be numerous, but they are widespread. And they can and will shape this election in ways we cannot imagine. And Trump’s rise will come from these people. People who with arms outstretched

This review is a great summary of things not right with the show. I give it a go for two more episodes but I do not really think it will get any better.

“When I was a kid it was almost a given that would be no black president.”

MY KINGDOM for Stockard Channing to play Liz in a biopic.

I miss 80-90s hair. Can we bring that back? I look better with volume.

These Oprah vignettes are quite possibly the best thing that has ever existed, and I’ve eaten pie in my life.