
The amount of pure hatred I have for him is overwhelming.

I think when one of the parents has a history of both abuse and substance abuse, you can’t carte blanche give them unfettered visitation.

Does he walk with a hunch? it could be lewy body or alzheimers.

I still cannot get over how a guy who has as much money as he allegedly has wears such garbage suits.

She made the mistake of believing the intelligence community when they said Iraq was developing nukes.

As a man, I am sad I can’t be part of the Lesbian Shitasses. :/

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

True fact: Kellyanne Conway was the knife he used to stab the guy.

The best part of this is that Baio now has to walk around with the knowledge that a petite blonde lady came to his rescue and everyone knows it. He seems like the kind of guy that would be really bothered by that.

J Fred Muggs was a less insufferable co-host than Matt Lauer.

I had a teacher like that. Unfortunately we didn’t have cellphones back then. Hope that hateful bitch is long dead. (Never learned shit in her class, either.)

Last night I was doing this group bike ride and a guy next to me saw one of his friends and showed “heeeeeeyyy” and I swear I almost shouted out “must be da money!” I’m glad I stoped myself before I revealed how old I am. I am known to break out into random mid 90s-early aughts rap songs at anytime.

That’s a fair point about Dylan getting there first. My bandmate and I were talking the other day about how Dylan revolutionized song lyrics. Up till then it was a lot of “baby, baby, baby” - not just the 50s, but the 20s and 30s too.

Yes! I mean if we’re talking lyrics as poetry, she is the best.

I agree that Joni Mitchell is a brilliant lyricist, musician, singer, and songwriter (as well as a painter). She deserves a LOT more recognition than she gets.

Agreed - just another Bush failing and falling ass backwards into money - kinda like George Bush Jr. and the Texas rangers. :(

That’s the best part. The idiot Bush that he let his guard down around and was himself with, cause he probably thought him a harmless brownnoser.

Trump says only he can defeat ISIS, but he was bested in a battle of wits against Billy Bush.