
Oddly enough Prince had an album called IAm...Sasha Fierce all ready to go in 1987.

@IrockIroll: Very true. I don't know how she sang most of those songs.

@AletaCordus: The jazz singer? She's great one of my favorites, I've got a lot of her albums.

94. Karen Carpenter? She's one of the finest singers we're going to hear. Flawless, eerily so, top ten easily.

Hank Williams Jr is the McCain/Palin mascot, as it should be.

Obama's not a geek, he's a wonk. Urkel is a fictional character. Stefan Urquelle is real and we talk via e-mail.

@morninggloria: Ha! I knew you were talking about Sherri.

I still think Sherri Shepherd is the Unnamed Source.

Hasselbeck embarrasses herself on a daily basis now, she's clearly unhappy and she's become sad to watch.

@beatrice2000: They never really addressed Steve/Stefan's personality disorder unless I missed a "very special episode."

@feelingHELLAmaddowy: Yeah she's a real turn-off. Heigl's offscreen shenanigans and her dreadful character really killed the show for me.

@treecut...will cut a beech: I think it explains why Palin's failed to get fans outside of the base. She doesn't strike me as a girl's girl like some dudes are a guy's guy. The only reason why I don't deem a dude a "guy's guy" is because on some level I don't either like them or trust them. Maybe some of that's going

It's time for Obama to make another appearance and Joe Biden...

@Your_Screenplay_Sucks: Good lord, I've never seen handlers constrain a candidate as much as Palin is. Maybe her people didn't want her to be seen as "cavorting" with the "enemy." Or maybe she's doesn't like this "deal." Probably a little of both, that's why the appearance was so lousy.

Macgruber=Bathroom break.