
Well, there's a man on stage wearing fatigues, Screech is there and this is Celebrity Fit Club, there's no class to be had.

Looks good so far, no Julia Allison headlines to be found.

I didn't understand a damned thing they were doing. So many gifts, plans and stuff yet someone has to go home for basically being as good at giving as the others? Silly...

Kimora's tacky. She's looking a bit older than her years too and oddly enough, not elegant.

Puffy's big problems? He can't act, he just can't. Seeing him takes me out of the movie, Lee Jr. was a '50s guy, Puffy seems to be coming from a '90s/'00s perspective in his voice, his actions, etc. Not helpful.

Ice T is getting fat!

Looks like a way too skinny Alicia Keys doll Mattel couldn't get past the planning stages.

Larry was actually lucid in those clips.

If golf balls could talk they'd say, "Wow, I wonder which one is more boring..."

Bret's morphing into Fergie

@bowlingfordollars: Yeah, hanging out/frockling with T.R. Knight's ex-boyfriend pretty much tells it all.

@FATAL_BIPOLAR_HOTNESS: Star does look good, she needed to lose the weight, she was obese. Sherri, you're up next...

Ha, check out Joan Severance in that Dial-a-Lash ad.

Marty was born on 4/20

Denzel needs to lose that spare tire, and that fact stomach too...

I didn't even notice that other kid first time I saw this. Oh, the middle child's syndrome!

What this girl needed was Jillian Michaels riding her ass like a full-time gig. She was definitely unhealthy but the way it sounded, I thought she was so fat, she couldn't fit through door jams.

Of course Kucinich saw a UFO, he's an alien.