Steve Jobs forgives you, Apple's next press event invitation is in the mail...
Steve Jobs forgives you, Apple's next press event invitation is in the mail...
@NaraVara: Where do I sign?
@HJTravels: Unlike you and I that have the luxury of rushing into judgement for "LULS" technically speaking journalists are held to higher standard.
@Stickarm: You forgot extortioners.
@evanminn01: The whooshing sound past your head is this issue is dead and buried and it is about time people move on to bigger and better things. Unlike Microsoft which owns the majority of PC market share (still does surprisingly) people didn't at the time have a lot of alternatives especially in the work place. So…
I know of an engineer that needs an apology...
@evanminn01: Gizmodo and others alike first said cupping the phone. Then quickly changed to stances to "Bridging" only after CR second or third review of the phone.
@evanminn01: @evanminn01: Because based on your statement you said: 3o million copies in 30 days, I'm assuming sold. iPhone 4 first launch was in five countries more than a month ago, how many disgruntled people do you find based on stats try to return it within 30 days? Now moving forward to the next 18 countries…
@evanminn01: Dude, I'm not falling for nothing. I have the iPhone 4 in hand not and one single issue. I travel all up the North East. Same with my wife's iPhone 4 and trust me if she had an issue I would know about it. Two of my friends rock iPhone 4 and they're loving it as well. No cases, no Seven of Nine Borg…
@evanminn01: And about 30 million people complained and wish they never bought Vista, not so much with iPhone 4. How many people are lining up to return it to Apple? Look up stats!
@kamsolusar: It was meant to be a rhetorical question to add emphasis. Sorry for the confusion. To focus your question to the right answer, other cell phones have had, and continue to have, "reception problems" but it didn't draw attention because they weren't iPhones or newsworthy, which is why no one bothered to…
Now that it is my legal government right to jailbreak or unlock my iPhone or Android phone. How will for example Apple move forward. Can they willingly continue to try to block or try to write software to patch and brick it. Wouldn't that open up a giant sized can of government whoop ass? Someone will get baited into…
Steve Wozniak's thoughts on iPhone 4
@baneyu: iPhone 4 was first launched in five countries: the US, France, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan.
@Tony Bologna: (1) was referring to tech blog(s) who had a falling out in last 6 or 7 months who have taken to pissing inside of the tent. Point (2) was stressing the point, "our shit" is not the only thing that stinks in bathroom.
@baneyu: Too little too late. About 4 million iPhone 4 sold, consumer outrage still remains at an all time low.
@YosefLevi: My point was not to discuss scientific methods for, as I mentioned earlier, I am not a scientist. My goal was simply to highlight that rather than testing one phone thought to be defective, others should have been subjected to similar testing. As to the "orange wall", if one can see that the wall is orange…
@Nuke Dukem:
You know what would've been a "Breaking" fact finding journalistic story. If "Tech Blogs" attempted to disprove their findings.