That's one big baby!
I have a feeling I won't surprised who I find first in line to pre-order some that extreme hyperbole.
iBooks or Facetime
Quadruple it? I visited Manhattan this past weekend and notice full bars and no drop calls. Internet was super fast. Both on Edge and 3G on the iPhone 4. I think it's better than Downtown Boston's coverage now.
@doublsh0t: Yeah but Apple is automatically refunding bumper purchases that where made during the iPhone 4 pre-order to peoples bank accounts.
If readers/posters are being held accountable by the rules how much so the editors and writers?
Wow, very impressive. if it brakes swype's speed record it would take it over the top.
I recall hearing a stat in 2001 that all the combined air conditioners in the United States consumed more electricity than the entire country of China. Weird how things change.
Isn't that the guy from the Squareup payment app? I feel so relaxed now...
@null0byte: Non of my fingers seems to cause the attenuation on my iPhone 4 or my wife's iPhone 4. Nor did I experience any drop calls or drop bars while visiting Manhattan this past Friday. On that note digest this
@Helvetica: Everybody is indeed biased in some form or another but non have it in for Apple. But to answer your question. Yes I would forgive them. But will Giz do any of the supposed proposals? No. Plus filtering out the articles doesn't cut it if you want use the journalism moniker.
Isn't it funny that "now" they want to move on now that John Gruber over at Daringfireball is compiling a huge lists of other cellphones with video and user manual proof regarding of antenna issues. Any Apple news coverage by Gizmodo moving forward is tainted even if it isn't. It is in my mind now that you have in for…
Perseveration or to perseverate:
Perseveration or to perseverate:
@PoG: Perseverate or per·sev·er·a·tion (pər-sĕv'ə-rā'shən)
Stick meet horse.
Gizmodo is telling us to move on. Cute!
Why isn't this story front page? Yet you have Stuff like "Top Enginer warned Jobs of antenna?"
From checkbook journalism to pitchfork journalism. *Sigh*