Jason Damas

I still judge people who mention eating at Chik-Fil-A. Being okay with that kind of thing just because you want some low-grade fried chicken doesn't say much about your moral core. I've never set foot in a Cracker Barrel for similar reasons.

If you want a short version of why people hate them, just go look up the lyrics to "Wrong Way." They are pretty abhorrent.

The Suburbs

it took Nealon the longest of his era to find a good star-turn after leaving SNL, but I always felt his role as Doug on "Weeds" was just perfect for him. He delivered some of the most memorable lines on that show; the "cankle bitch" takedown of the Majestic HOA is one of the most satisfyingly unhinged things I've ever

Also, one bit of hope (because FOW has gone 100% on hiatus at least once or twice already) is that in some interviews around the release of Look Park, Collingwood said that any song he wrote that sounded like FOW got set aside and didn't make it onto the album. Given that Collingwood's writers block has been an issue

The story is actually a bit more interesting than that. I ran into him in LA at a really cool Squeeze tribute show put on by a round-robin roster of a bunch of LA indie bands. He was just hanging out in the audience and since I am a huge fan I went to say hi; he was in town to work on (I think, I don't know for sure)

Actually there's a ton of critical consensus around that one NR album — and it has grown over time. I agree that it's kinda an under-the-radar thing but that record is fantastic, and did in fact point the way forward in many ways. It sounds more contemporary in 2016 than it did in 1998 (when it really did not sound

"Someone's Going To Break Your Heart" keeps growing in my estimation, it may be my favorite FOW song of all.

Collingwood said in an interview at Salon just a week or two that they're done, and Schlesinger told me as much when I ran into him a year ago. I don't think either is exactly saying never, but they have no plans to do any more. Collingwood seems to be done.

Office was really great!

Cosign "Love Explosion" as one of the best songs Weezer EVER cut. Absolute power-pop perfection, and in a weird way sounds like the archetypal Weezer song that sums up all the various strands they followed.

Cleopatra is great. Besides the weird bridge with the counting it almost sounds like it could've been a b-side from one of the first two records.

I agree with this sentiment; I think the reason there was SUCH a severe backlash against Green (which is not up to snuff with the first two, but is a fine enough basic power pop record) is that the fans had to wait 5 years to get it. If it had come out in 1997 or 98 I don't think there would've been the same reaction

They did. I actually remember "Nineteen," which was the single after this one I believe, getting a few spins on the Top 40 station in Providence, RI in the summer of 1999. Really hard to imagine now but there was a brief moment it almost seemed they'd break through.

Menswe@r are in fact working on a new record.

I used to work in a record store that bought back lots of used CDs, DVDs, and games, and man, nothing was sadder (or occasionally more threatening) than when someone brought in a pile of visibly-stolen things to sell back. Probably the darkest day working there was when a good friend from high school, who I knew had