Jason Cooley

Also the one-two radio death punch of Puffy and Elton John.


Is it me or did the actor playing Euron see Commando way too many times? "Let off some steam, Euron!"

It transcended that shit decades ago.

In 1980 when I was about to turn 7 my dad asked me to pick between 2 things to do: go to see wrestling or go to see The Empire Strikes Back. I immediately picked Empire and he immediately said "No, we're going to wrestling." Me sister and my shitty Aunt Lois went to see Empire. When we all reconvened ay my Aunt's

You should've let him talk more about Heaven Help Us. He's right. That's his best movie.

Both songs should be sued for sucking so hard, but Sheeran faces punitive damages for forcing us to watch his creative growth through fucking baby videos. Also, he won Grammys and made millions from completely ripping off "Let's Get It On". That's the lawsuit I'm waiting for.

Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm.

THANK YOU for mentioning The Hidden.

The "I like worrying about you" line is taken from Superman II. "What's Kryptonite?"

There was a copy of a book called Palace Of The Gods (I think) in Hank's special room. Seems like an obvious reference to Chariots Of The Gods, which was everywhere back then.

I liked the change jar on the Jewish freelance Pope's desk.

"I'm gonna sleep clack you into my handcuffs."

It looks like the AV Club lost a bet with Answers.com and now has to give their rejected Google-fuck interns a shot at writing some clickbait bullshit. I can tell because anyone who considers "Free As A Bird" as an actual Beatles song was born in 1994.

I guess you're speaking to filmgoers who only watch Star Wars movies. Which I get. But you might as well start going around telling people to stop listening to Led Zeppelin. Unless you can come up with an example of somebody who didn't get their film made because of The Force Awakens you should just shut the fuck up.

The decapitation didn't seem so "sudden" since you already told us about it.

(In its use of long landscape shots of barren nothingness, Fargo apes Breaking Bad magnificently.)