
I use Photoshop Elements to organize my photos. It lets you tag photos, create "stacks" (which is useful if you took a shot multiple times trying to get the best exposure — you put the best one on top), and version sets, which is like a stack but sharpened/cropped/edited photos are on top of their un-edited

Here's an idea: dating sites. The features of each, the "zeitgeist" of each, niche sites, etc.

"My orthodontist's wifi is encrypted but the key is posted in plain sight, would it still be easy to sniff stuff out?"

"I am not an expert, but I think burn-in is 6 hours of random pixelation would reduce the effects of burn-in by using the whole screen equally. The uniform high paced usage should essentially "overwrite" the ghost image with a blank ghost"

"JScreenFix also claims to help fix burn-in on plasma screens."

It would be better if this was a task manager replacement that downloaded information about processes I was running.

"cleaning the p-trap rather than replacing it outright. Any thoughts on that?"

"The Operating System's built-in scheduler does this sort of thing automatically, which is tuned for a wide range of general purpose computing workloads ... If you know a task is going to be a long-running pain in the ass and you don't want it to bother foreground applications, you're better off manually adjusting its

Most cars I've owned have an antenna mounted on the left front corner of the roof which can be manually pushed into the column the runs beside the windshield. I assume this is so the antenna doesn't become tangled up in car wash brushes.

One more thumbs up for UltraMon.

Re: undercutting doctors: my opthamologist (who is an MD) is first and foremost a doctor. If he wants to run a side business to sell frames (which mine does) that's fine, but it seems that if his medical responsibilities (such as giving me a prescription if he determines I need one) are compromised by his desire to


"12345? That's the same combination I have on my luggage!"

Nice, but does it have a button for "fix crappy cable modem service"?

"Why all so negative? He's a really nice guy who makes really fun, tasty food."

"What two methods are called from the ObjectContext object to inform MTS that the transaction was successful or unsuccessful?"

"seems to eat through literally everything"

I take my grill grate, throw it in the tub, and spray oven cleaner on it. Follow the directions on the can and rinse liberally with water afterwards. Works pretty well.