
"using the dishwasher for things other than dishes!"

"If I PURCHASE a file or file set, whether on DVD, CD, or online format like WMA, I have purchased a copyright."

"Every time I open any program, it looks for something in the prefetch. Everytime the system scans the prefetch, it has to look through all of those entries."

I'd be surprised if these images were loaded at *boot* time as opposed to being loaded at application start time.

With a diagram full of that much Visio bling, the service must be fantastic!

"usually trying to match the end date with a Saturday, and usually a Saturday night"

I think the title of Kawasaki's article is misleading. It would have been better titled "The Cause Of Various Personality Disorders Not Currently Recognized By The DSM".

"I use two monitors, but i use one in landscape and the other in portrait and when i drag a window from the landscape to the portait, it's always too wide"

"Do you ever send an email attachment to someone outside your corporate domain? Guess what: when you do that, you're essentially storing your documents off-site."

I would push online collaborative tools at my workplace, but there's no way I can advocate a solution that forces us to keep our documents off-site.

"someone who feels like they don't have enough time in the day to do what they have to do as well as what they want to do-it's a harbinger of the kind of "get up, work, eat, work, come home, eat, sleep, lather, rinse, repeat" lifestyle that a lot of us have."

I don't think JHymn works if you've use iTunes 6.x.

I recently bought an HP Scanner-Fax-Printer from the local Goodwill. I downloaded the drivers and software and when installing I was surprised that the setup defaulted to a stranger's name and fax number. Apparently these items are stored in non-volatile storage on the printer itself.

The only time I've ever been owned is when I stood up a linux FTP server and opened a port for it through my firewall. I naively assumed that by 2003, all the security holes would have been worked out of the FTP server (I believe it was wuftpd). Anyway, turns out there was a buffer overrun hole and some kids were

You could always try raising your concerns in one of the Google Groups dedicated to GMail, such as Gmail Users or GMail Help.

"I'll be glad when windows finally natively adopts virtual desktops."

"The RC installation requires not one but TWO restarts"

I'd be wary of putting WD40 on my cat since he grooms himself and I'm fairly sure that petroleum distillates aren't good kitty snacks.

This list, of course, fails to count:

Also, the tips in the article cover buying a new car, not a used car, but they gloss over long-term and aggregate consumer opinion sites, like [EPinions.com] and consumerreports.org. You can also do some research in forums dedicated to the particular brand of car you want to buy.