
Another fascinating fact, thanks! I'm one of the nation's 12 proud Palm Pre owners :-) so I didn't know about the Android iOS options. That's interesting that it works *offline*. I suspect it must associate your phone to your account and then give you the option of disassociating it if you lost your device. I also

Ryan thanks for the excellent ideas. As to the utter lateness of my reply, believe it or not today was the first day that *your* reply showed up in my list of replies. Love that new interface! :-)

@jackburnt: I love love love love love this comment. Seriously, this should be in the "FAQ for being a human".

Exactly! We have used Caffeine for a while to stop sleep while Skyping. You can set the default action in the preferences to indefinite and just click the icon to turn it on and off. Why go into the terminal?

Now playing

I think you want the original HD version with the killer themes from The Black Hole and Blade Runner, yes? Yes, you do. [www.youtube.com]

Now playing

I think you want the original HD version with the killer themes from The Black Hole and Blade Runner, yes? Yes, you do.

I'm guessing he's calling it less work because most of the dishes never actually get moved from the dishwasher to the cabinet. Instead he's using the clean dishwasher *as* a cabinet and taking clean dishes straight from there. All of which is fine, of course, except that it means the sink and counter become the

All in all I'm very excited to see this show up. Can anyone confirm whether the Application-specific passwords ONLY work in devices that don't support 2-factor? Or could I use (for example) one of those as a 1-time login from a normal web browser, and then deactivate it either in that very session or right afterwards.

First, because without having a separate process for those devices that can't handle 2-step validation an attacker would have an easy workaround that would make all the 2-step stuff pointless - they'd just use (or spoof) a mobile device and go in that way.

@Chuckvant: I'm a fan of FNC's 6pm news program (I like the bipartisan discussion panel) but even I thought it was a bit hoky when they aired a "Fox Business Report" about the big news announcement of . . . an iPad app. :-) Oh, well, everybody's got bills to pay.

@philosopher_dog: So the Wall Street Journal makes you a "dumb ass turd"? But watching a program whose guest list ([en.wikipedia.org] spans the political spectrum all the way from Noam Chomsky to Danny Glover makes you . . . what?

I've been using this app on my Pre for months and love it. Huge improvement over the built-in music player.

@Jason Fitzpatrick: How great are these watches? I know it sounds petty, but replacing watch batteries has always been one of my least favorite things. Not only does there never seem to be a convenient place around to do it, but because I hate being charged $10 ~ $15 for a $.50 part and 5 minutes of labor. Some

This is a tough one — I'm not that nostalgic for analog. I will say my analog watch like Kapil below, but I'm not sure if it counts. While it *is* an analog display, it's a Citizen EcoDrive watch, so it's actually solar-powered and highly technological.

@patniemeyer: That burning in your retinas is how you know it's working! :-)

@aufburnshiz: Awesome. How much do you want for it? :-)

@android: ditto (mentioned later in the comments) syncs instantly between computers.

@psychiccheese: which is completely legitimate. I mean, as long as you don't consume the whole box in one bite then it's inexorably true that the passage of time means you saved the rest for later. :-)

@TheOtherHalf: If I can be so bold . . . thin mints, frozen, with a smear of peanut butter. Don't knock it till you try it. :-)

@JordanAT: Oh, that's interesting. I've never even *thought* of splitting a box into TWO servings. That'll take willpower, but I'll give it a try!! :-)