
@tuxus: I think @jktechwriter said it exactly right, so I'll leave it at that as well. We each have a moral compass, and if you don't see the difference then you go right on doing whatever feels right to you. Good day.

@tuxus: Actually, in the aggregate, it does. If you don't understand that the airline prices the service this way because — in the aggregate — mobile devices use significantly less bandwidth than laptops, then you lack the basic understanding needed to discuss it. Sorry.

@jkrebo: By "making it up" I meant to imply that the equivalence was made up. But my main point is/was that we each need to live by our own moral judgment. Random LH strangers won't always be there to guide you. You're equating circumventing an arcane technical limitation that imposes no differential costs on the

@Splangy: It honestly makes me wonder whether there was some other issue — a patent challenge, an IP dispute maybe. I mean, they have all our email addresses, how hard would it have been to send out a blast email that says, "We're out of money. Give us $10 for the next year's service. If we get $1MM we'll stay in

@Killjoy: But it's not worth it, because I can either use my Wii or the WDTV Live Plus. The Xbox had a nicer looking UI..but not worth the Gold subscription.

I read about their plans to close yesterday. I can't understand why people smart enough to develop such a tool weren't smart enough to ask their users to pay for it. I'd happily pay for the service and with millions of loyal users it's pretty likely others would as well.

@four12: Yeah, they should have used something more innocuous. Like DidItRockYou.com or DidYouSleepThroughIt.org or maybe DidTheBedShake.gov . . . alright, I'm not having any luck here . . . ;-)

@GetOutOfBox: Both can use the same amount of bandwidth, but in practice you know they don't. They're averaging it out and saying that laptops use twice as much as phones, and cutting the price for phones.

@jkrebo: If you're looking to a stranger on the internet for your moral guidance, then you're a lost cause indeed. If you're doing something (whether in-flight or at university) that meets your moral sniff test then you're fine, aren't you? If making up an unrelated scenario helps you feel better about something

I have used Netflix on the Xbox, Wii and on my WDTV Live Plus. Xbox BY FAR has the best UI. But to make me buy a Gold subscription just to use it is insane.

I use both Weatherbug and Weather Channel on my iPhone. Presentation-wise, they are both about equal. But good grief, the Weather Channel's forecast is almost ALWAYS wrong in my area.

@raumkrieger: You can legitimately argue that a downloaded song, if you were never going to buy it anyways, does not reduce revenue. You can't make the same argument about data on a plane. That is a scarce commodity, and when they consume all their availble bandwidth they have to add more. They're likely

@drewblay: Not bogus. It's their product they can sell it in whatever way they want. If they believe that phones use less data (and point of fact they will — for any given activity, the mobile version will take more bandwidth than the laptop version) then it's their right to charge differently. Just like it's your

@DangerousLiberal: Whoah. I've clearly woken up in some sort of bizarro universe where DangerousLiberal and I have found something to agree on. :-) I'm immediately screencapping this discussion and printing it out to put on my office wall next to the picture of the Hatfields and the McCoys playing shuffleboard. In

Since I'm a hardcore technophile and even I would not accept this from someone (I'd want to see the paper myself, write it down or type it in my own phone) it seems as though a simpler solution would be to keep a copy with your original, or even just a 3x5 card with the info on it. Now if you get in an accident you

@Shadow-Lurker: Amazingly, this technology has not become significantly more widespread in the last 10 years. I used American's in-flight power ports in the late 90's, and today they're still the only airline I've found that has widespread availability of outlets.

@handfulofsounds: The margins on steak are higher than the margins on vegetables at the grocery. Would you switch the stickers on grades of meat to knock a few bucks off at the register since they're making enough money off of you as it is? I mean, it's stealing — either own up to it or not, but it's not up to you

@FlyingPuppet: I find it hysterical that in replying to a satirical comment about how annoying your grammatical nitpicking is, you continue to gramatically nitpick. Wow.

Apparently iFlux Capacitor is not available in the US Store?

@FlyingPuppet: Wow, you really don't know what a 5k is?