
The main issue Wall street is concerned about is production numbers and hitting targets. Here’s a core fact. 85% of people buy a Tesla through their website. That means that they could “catalyze” the market REALLY easily and sell more cars quickly if they lowered their cost, but their production numbers won’t meet the

Automation is even going after my kids allowance.....jeez!

It’s symbolic, and we’re talking about it now. I live in Mass, and didn’t realize I could even play a role like this. They’ve completely succeeded in my eyes.

NASA needs to shut up and focus on retrieving the billions in cost overruns over the years due to poor designs and mismanagement. Think about what this American company has accomplished and how much cheaper this program will be.

sounds like a Hayabusa

The halo car point means absolutely nothing to me. Being a car guy, that fact that it’s a BMW inline six, wrapped up into a tidy little package is the selling point for me. Same goes for the BMW engineering. We already know Toyota is great at engineering cars.

Let me clear this up.  If you have nothing good to say, say nothing.  Learned that at like age 4!

Watching other football programs other than NE, is like watching train wreck. Sorry America... Go ahead people i’m ready for the flame.

Is it me or does the rear-end of that car look better after 20 years under water covered in mud?

What you see as him treating people like assholes, other see it as. There is no way to answer the 20 different ways to ask, “What’s your feeling about Browne” bla bla bla. All it’s going to do is potentially stir more crap and cause his team problems.

“Larry Bird is not walking through that door

He’s not calling the press assholes, he just doesn’t want to cover it.  There’s a big difference.  And when did he call the press assholes?

The NAVY says.....The response right after releasing this.


Too much of this...

I almost bought one.  The incentives where bonkers...  like 15K off the sticker.  I just couldn’t get over the fact that it’s too how do i say this...squishy and plush..

I wish is a little boxier....just a smidge more.

Pre-war cars aren’t really my jam

Four important items you left off.

I’m still stuck on the fact that when I open my glove box it clunks down and doesn’t gracefully fall open.