"tighter it is the easier it is" :D
@roher4: your parts melt because they're made of ice.
So this would be colorware for ikea.
@CatStampFever: Daddy, what's a usb cable?
@mrClint: So ronrey
@squishyalt: Well, we are human, that is what we do, that is how we evolve.
@Professor Bacon: I saw nothing in that video but boobs.
@kettlewhistle: Probably his hand.
@Clixx13: let's boot up safemode!
@monstermax: OH YEAHHHH.
@Weakskills: CROWED
@Ding-Dang: Sweet baby of jesus.
@dtptampa: <3
@vein11: google wouldn't like that..
@Arken: Well I can't argue with well-formulated, reasoned logic like that.
@shaunmcilroy: Now now, no need to go insulting. different people have different views on life.
@LuZeke: Halo would like to have a word..ohwait..
@mushrm: Don't worry, he probably has shields up.