Jasnah Kholin

Um, not for nothing, but most of the early marketing for this show was based on it’s connection to Nine to Five, so all this you’re spewing is one helluva stretch. All 4 of these actors have been working and in recent projects, so no. A quick gander at IMDB could’ve helped you out, tbh. Now you just sound ridiculously

Now playing

Acting…is not her strong point. Singing on the other hand; I think she acquits herself well here:

Yeah, but the Josie movie was satire meant to lampoon these kinds of movies. This one seems to be earnest in its misguided writing.

I never realized how expensive tampons et al were until I stopped having periods (whoo Mirena whooo!). On BC my periods were pretty middling, so I got away with less product than many other women and that was still like $6-$12 a month.

You are right about Annie’s, but the Food Babe is terrible and needs to go away. And the fact is, despite Annie’s better quality, fluorescently-tinted Kraft Macaroni and Cheese remains one my favorite awful things. Also, and not unimportantly, it is about a third the price...

It’s blue and gold.