Jasnah Kholin

For our trips to Seoul and Tokyo, I created neighborhood spreadsheets, so as we were exploring, I could check in and see if there was anything we wanted to see in that particular neighborhood. If there were any particuarly tasty sounding food options I ran across in pre-planning, I’d also list them just in case.

We have a rule at our house. I cook, spouse washes dishes as I cook and assists where necessary. Guests with oversight from spouse pack up leftoevers, to-go containers, and do the dishes while I sit in the dining room by myself decompressing.

Clue. It is great in my memory, and it could still be great except it is tremendously problamatic in all the ways. It’s one of those movies that really could use a re-boot with the right cast.

I watched Battle Royale as a teen. Squid Games is less gruesome and has much more to say.

My spawn goes to town on peanut butter and ketchup.

They’ve probably set up shop in your car. I used something like these https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hot-Shot-Ultra-Liquid-Ant-Bait-4-Count-HG-95762-3/100549657 taped down to the floorboards inside each door and the trunk and it took care of them after about a week.

One day, forever ago, I was at work, and it rained. It didn’t just rain, it was like the great flood had come. Wildlife scattered, specifically ants as their homes were being flooded, and they sought refuge, in my car. When the rain subsided and conditions became more normal, I thought, hey maybe these guys will move

Biggest reason why I press garlic now rather than use my knife, because I cannot get it off of my hands for DAYS. No matter what “trick” I use that is supposed to get rid of it. The only thing that works is using gloves, and if I want my garlic finely chopped, the gloves hinder my dexterity enough on super small

We moved to ordering ethically raised and butchered meats. They are much more expensive so we buy less, thus we eat fewer meat main meals, and the meat based meals we do eat, we don’t feel as bad about.

CDCs Zombie guide and graphic novel aren’t new. The page has been updated, but that information has been there starting in 2011.

I’m another paprika person, combined with the fact that my ipad holder is magnetic I can stick it right on the fridge when I’m cooking which is nice.

If you can afford one, (and can deal with the massive amount of space it takes up) buy a learning tower (I got mine second hand). Having the kiddo(s) stable and up higher helps with confidence. We got ours as soon as kid was able to walk and stand on his own, and now that he’s much older he still uses it because he

I actually freeze ginger whole but peeled, then pull it out and grate it frozen when I need it. I have spicy peppers from the garden already diced and frozen (and dried), but I generally don’t keep jalapenos in the freezer because of this. Now, onions, carrot, and celery are all in there as well pre-diced and ready to

Roast more than what you need. Then take the extras, lay them out flat on something and freeze. Once frozen, bag and keep in freezer. Now you have delicious flavor bombs to pop out and mince into things. They chop well when frozen, and then basically dissolve when they hit the heat.

Or embrace that the fall/winter garden is the best garden
Low pest pressure, watering needs tend to be less, you can work out in the middle of the day.

This is why I’ve started growing my own lettuces when I can. It’s pretty easy to grow a cut and come again bed, and you (probably) don’t have to worry about contamination.

You should waffle your stuffing. It adds that nice bit of crunch.

Tomato soup and funky grilled cheese.

Tip for once they are a bit older:

This is actually pretty important. Love that Black Cherry tomato? Don’t want anything to change about it. If you have other tomatoes growing then isolate the flowers before they open and once they are pollinated flag the tomatoes so you know to save seeds form those ones.