doubt it - as anyone I know, including myself, who have native american blood have been abused.
doubt it - as anyone I know, including myself, who have native american blood have been abused.
Yep, and I think Halle Berry’s first two husbands cheated on her (no idea with whom, and I don’t really care).
Physical attraction can definitely grow as you know someone—the “and suddenly she/he was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen” trope isn’t a cliche for nothing and Pride and Prejudice a classic for no reason. But there has to be a spark there to begin with or you end up with one of those relationships where one…
I understand your point (and I’m not arguing with you, per se), but don’t you feel that puts an incredible amount of pressure on you (and your partner)? Due to circumstances beyond her control my partner has gained around 100 lbs over a very short time span (years ago, she was in the Army and quite fit) and I’d be…
100% agree. The bare bones basis of whether or not I’d like to go beyond friendship is the fact that I want to have sex with a man. Otherwise, they are just a friend and will remain so. I do believe that attraction can and does change over time, but I’m not a fan of “growing into” a physical attraction to someone. For…
More women (many, many more) are murdered every year by their intimate partner than are during an abortion procedure. Yet motherfuckers are passing law after law, protesting and damaging clinics, and harassing patients in the name of “protecting the health of women.” These same people tend to resist ANY gun control…
Very true, we’re just *SO* proud of our guns!
its a nice suggestion in theory, but so few cases of domestic violence ever get reported (and when they do they tend to be a low priority for police) that most abusers would never get flagged by the system.
Yup, definitely impacted by gun laws and number of guns in households.
We also have high gun ownership up north.
In their rush to discredit and vilify feminists, they tend to forget about domestic violence within same-sex relationships, though.
This should include ensuring that men with a history of domestic abuse do not have access to guns.
It probably has a large number of female homicide victims, but the rate will be lower since the population of Texas is HUGE. I was surprised to see Vermont and Maine on there, as New England states are usually on the opposite end of the spectrum in these kinds of things, but then I saw they had some of the smaller…
Well there’s this quote:
Proud my state’s not in the top ten...but still very surprised. Because, hello, Texas. The gun state, y’know.
Poverty, poor education, poor health, gun worship, racism, high levels or religiosity, all of these seem to go hand in hand in a lovely bouquet of intractable problems.
Wow, that is a TERRIBLE way to color-code a map. Like, awful.
hope they include native american women in these policy recommendations as well tho