Foodie librarian

But Judge James Troiano refused that petition in July of last year, and in making the case for his decision, he used some all-too-familiar arguments, including that there was a distinction between “sexual assault and a rape,” and that a “traditional case of rape” was a stranger attacking someone at gunpoint.”


And then straight on to the Supreme Court!

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First he needs the opportunity to go to a good college where he can become a campus rapist. 

Narrator: sadly, they were not fucking kidding.

Yup.  Basically, there are some things that we’ll give kids a pass for on the grounds of general youthful dumbassery, and some things that we don’t - because even the world’s biggest dumbass would know it was wrong.  Rape’s one of those things.

It’s a scale. Generally there’s a recognition that kid’s brains are developing, and it’s generally a scale about when and whether this person did develop enough to be cognizant than action was wrong and thus could be held culpable.

“He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Troiano reportedly said. According to the Times”

Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you

While I personally could care less if he gets tried as an adult...I do agree with you about minors getting charged as adults. Just like I’m against the death penalty but when I hear that a person who raped and viciously killed another human is getting the death penalty I don’t really care that much. I confuse myself

These men and boys ruin their own lives. It is not on their victims to continue to protect them from the choices they’ve made.

Wonder how many “sexual assaults” (not rapes, obv) the judge committed in his good college days?

“According to the Times, the appellate court’s decision means the case will now be moved from family court and G.M.C. will now be considered an adult. A grand jury will decide whether to indict him on sexual assault charges.”

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

Same, my family had this on VHS

I don’t know if this movie is good or bad. What I do know is that I was 5 years old when it was released and I definitely saw it after it made its way to VHS and I can absolutely recount the entire film from memory almost 30 years later.

It may not be objectively good (or bad) but it’s always going to have a special

Wow, wow, wow, what a dirt bag. I don’t even know where to start.

I love that in Britney’s giant closet that is probably bigger than my entire apartment, she still has mismatched plastic hangers. She’s truly the pop star of the people!

Holy fuck that’s a ton of tweets to not read.

citation needed

My father would be proud of the greyfit that Justin Theroux is rocking.