
Nice to see that happening, but Valve failed in the communication department.

Hold on, you dont think scientists get a cut of the paywall fees do you? Because they dont. Your statement about entrepreneurs is off the mark first because scientists already publish their findings and any moderately funded entrepreneur is already able to access them. Secondly its the patent system which exists to

which is why its important to draw the distinction between public scientific research and private sector research. While Microsoft is technically a private entity, its research grants and funding are (what I assume) to be directed towards public research. If you're a scientist, you're being paid (or funded) to conduct

Let's all pretend this didn't happen. Or that this dude was flagrantly violating Starfleet dress code.

Explain to me, then, why every woman I know swoons the moment Chris Hemsworth appears on the screen looking like this:

Well Slimer would obviously be green still (unless they reboot Slimer!) so.. box ticked.

It doesn't NEED people of color, no, but it could certainly benefit from being more inclusive.

So just to be clear (genuinely curious) You wouldn't find the following image offensive? Threw this together real quick

it's actually pretty defensible. the anatomy checks out, the artist's experience checks out, sexualization isn't an issue because male characters are depicted in exactly the same manner. the only thing I can't defend is how blatantly he traced one of his previous pictures to draw this Spider-Woman cover.

the people complaining have already been proven wrong about the anatomy.

That Spiderwoman cover is the best piece of marketing Marvel has put out in years.

P.S. Do you have a stupid example of a Spider-Man image where he is also in a stupid pose? Congratulations, that stupid image is also stupid.

I try to get my point across, sadly people usualy tangle up to everything ELSE but to the point I'm trying to make.

Spider-man is drawn hotter than she is.

Get a grip. Yes, it might be quite gross and tacky but this is NOT porn. Using this term fir this and that doesn't serve your purpose, on the contrary, because it reeks of bigotism.

Rob, I normally really enjoy some of your outlooks, but this feels like just muckraising and trolling. Seriously, this reads like some old man at the mall shouting at the teenagers to pull up their pants and stop showing so much ass-meat.

As naked as Spider-woman here.

You can see shape of his butt right there.