
What about those of us who don't care what depression is like?

That was about the most trite shit I've ever seen in my life.

I think you need to learn the difference between whether and weather.

Sorry, 1982.

Gah, here's a larger version.

Don't forget online gaming.

"They then self-reported..."
Ahh, so this isn't actual evidence it's just psuedo-science trying to prove that emotions mean something.
Good day.

I don't need any of these things to love robots. I love them automatically. Even the murderous ones.

WOW. I can't believe the sheer number of people who were expecting.... god knows what, from a Godzilla and anime inspired film about giant robots fighting giant monsters.

Man... God and his family are assholes.

Thanks to Nihilism, I know the futility and emptiness of worldly success and talent. In death we are all equal. The fact that I don't care and thus don't try is what makes me superior to most people.

I just want Disney to stop naming their films "Adjective" please.

Oh my bad, it wasn't the tumblr you got all that opinionated tripe from. It was you spouting it.

So a highly opinionated tumblr hiding behind ratings as an excuse for something "not being a success".


Sorry, I did come off a bit confrontational there.
I've highly enjoyed the first 2 books of Legend of Korra and am eager for the third.

I feel that whatever happens, it will be great. Just my 2 cents.

Sorry, I did come off a bit confrontational there.
I've highly enjoyed the first 2 books of Legend of Korra so far and am eager for book 3. I think whatever happens, it will be enjoyable. Just my 2ยข.

"Here's what needs to happen for the third season to be a success."

Isn't that a paradox?
You've created a situation where no one could possibly prove innate differences between sexes "because society".

"...smart individuals who have developed a deep-seated, bitterly violent grudge against human society or the human species,"