
Still love this show but I'm SO OVER Chet as a character and I wish they just hadn't brought him back this season. He's a tiresome male id like Doug on Weeds and he's overstayed his welcome. And having the exec give him so much leeway just undermines the climax of the Season 1 finale where Quinn proved the show needed

Yeah I don't mind a critic taking issue with some parts of the show and giving it a B but this review is written with NO problems or caveats explained so the reader is just left to wonder what problems the critic had with the episode. It would be great if going forward the writer could explain some of those problems

She didn't hear the gunshot? He wasn't that far from the house when we could hear it.

LOL. Also when that lady saw him run off into the woods, she didn't hear a gunshot afterward? She didn't think to go looking for him in the woods or to call the police or even to call his mom? Very strange. Also the guy Taylor is hooking up with is a high school student so why does he seem to live alone? Taylor was

Is there any chance the shooting could be deemed self defense (Wes beat up Taylor before and threatened to kill him at that moment) or even an accident (Taylor pulled out the gun to get Wes to back off and the trigger went off?) I mean the preview shows Taylor talking to Ann and NOT in jail and last time I checked,

Didn't the police say they found no drugs in Taylor's system though?

Um no. The Oscars do NOT need to be like the Grammys with too many categories. The fact that the categories and winners are kept to a minimum is EXACTLY why winning an Oscar is a bigger deal than winning a Grammy.

What does Anika have that Cookie doesn't? Um…she's a YOUNGER LIGHT SKINNED WOMAN. Empire is making the point that in communities of color, that bid for white respectability is still a prevalent issue. That's why Cookie calls her "Halle Berry" etc.

I agree. Brandon is really making the case for this show as ART and I love it! And providing a queer historical context too is just so beautiful. It just shows that most of the straight critics who thought the show was too slow or not gay enough were probably just unable to identify with its subtler themes because