The reason most people are “weaving” is because they have to maneuver around the ass-holes obliviously hanging out in the left lane.
The reason most people are “weaving” is because they have to maneuver around the ass-holes obliviously hanging out in the left lane.
Move to the right, and stop trying to justify your flaccid, passive-aggressive need to be the unofficial traffic cop who clogs up the left lane in a pathetic attempt to force others to abide by your interpretation of the rules of the road.
The public roads are just a reflection of society, and the majority of people are all too happy to screw over their fellow commuters for the opportunity to advance one spot further in the line. No one moves over, or at the very least cracks the throttle to let others merge. If there’s an inch there for the taking,…
A large percentage of motorists, whether they travel by 2 wheels or 4, are complete and utter douche bags. From my experience, I would estimate that roughly 40% of those using our public roads have no business being there.
I’m convinced that at least 90% of the problems facing our society boil down to arguments over whose invisible sky daddy is better than all the rest.
We’re still not past the point that cable and satellite TV providers are charging extra for “HD”, even though most of it is still either 720p or 1080i, rather than full 1080p. Why is 4K even a thing? Oh, that’s right, so electronics manufacturers can convince early-adopting videophile snobs that “there’s ‘plenty’ of…
We’re still not past the point that cable and satellite TV providers are charging extra for “HD”, even though most…
Nice to see that Leslie Jones is making a career out of one note.