
Almost every fire extinguisher I’ve ever seen was a class ABC. There was one time, when I worked at a company that machined parts out of exotic metals, that I saw a class D. But yeah, any fire extinguisher is better than no fire extinguisher, except under certain circumstances. For example, the shiny silver ones

Stop drop and roll was decided to by a committee, once you are actually on fire you dance, scream and wave your arms-

And you have to tell news reporters that you never thought it would happen to you, otherwise they’ll ask if you ever thought something like this would happen to you.

This made me chuckle because of this article:

A really unimportant piece of information: Also make sure it’s not one of those Made in England fire extinguishers...

Well, you say that but...

I just ... I just don’t know what’s real anymore.

In continuing pedantry, I just noticed that the author used the correct word (dousing) in the first paragraph.

Don’t forget to also run in circles. It helps attract attention.

I did what I’d always been told to do as a child in case of fire. Stop, drop, and roll. While I was doing that my phone continued to burn on the counter until my roommate came in and grabbed it and put it out by throwing it in the toilet. I was fucking lied to as a child man.

If you don’t have any water available, that might be a means (albeit not a very good one) of finding it. Did you see that plumbers in england are using those things to find leaks behind walls?

While we’re being pedantic, I can’t think of any legitimate reason why “class” should be capitalized there.

This is a lot better than my method of “scream until someone calls the fire department”

“...searching for a Class ABC extinguisher will yield one appropriate for dowsing your new Pixel 2.”

I’m bummed it’ll only use a selfie (I have some nice pictures of family I’d like to match), but I’m surprised that with glasses or without, it gave me the same matches- notably ‘Portrait of a Man with Raised Eyebrow’ and a Paul Cezanne self portrait. I don’t think my face is as lumpy as Cezanne thought his face was;

apparently it’s region locked to the east coast only at the moment... funny how all the articles seem to skip over that critical little tidbit of information

Honestly, if you just squint a bit...