
We love NORAD but like the emailsanta.com tracker too.

I had a few on my toe and ball of my foot, and the freeze treatment was too little, too late. I ended up going to a foot doctor, where they gave me a medicated bandage that deadened and ate away at my skin (it didn’t hurt). Then during checkups, the doc would scrape the skin and wart away because the roots were about

I have a planter’s wart on my foot. I’ve used the Dr. Scholl’s Freeze treatment for 3 weeks and it doesn’t seem to be making a dent. After the first week I was shaving the wart down (per instructions on the can) to the point it was bleeding and still, no luck.

I’ve read all your SuperWoke thinkpieces about how the rape song is good, actually. I understand the concept that women had to pretend to be coy even when they wanted to fuck. None of that matters. When a woman says “THE ANSWER IS NO,” the answer is fucking no, no matter how coy or winky a man thinks she’s being.

It doesn’t matter how many times she suggests anything. She verbally and explicitly says THE ANSWER IS NO.

One thing I’ve learned is when you speak up, speak confidently.

Now playing

It’s not really a “mashup” that’s how they performed it on Bing Crosby’s final Christmas special. Bing died a few weeks after they filmed it and before it ever aired.

It was intended to be creepy when he wrote it, and Sting has said in subsequent interviews he finds it disturbing that the song nevertheless became a staple of “love song” playlists which gets played at weddings and proms and shit.

To play devil’s advocate: A couple of cultural historians have noted in articles about this song that “what’s in this drink” was a common expression in mid-20th century America as a way for people (particularly women) to excuse behavior that was socially frowned upon by jokingly implying they were drunker than

I know some hate it, but I actually like the Bing Crosby and David Bowie “Little Drummer Boy” mashup that’s on a couple of my Christmas mix CDs that I bought back in the day...

I might go for a goat version. My goats have all kinds of vocalizations that don’t get the love dogs and cats are given. Or a multi-barnyard version?

18 people did not get wished a Merry Christmas from the bottom of somebody’s heart.

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Oooh, can we post the best, non-traditional Christmas songs? Here’s my top vote:

I only heard the song for the first time maybe 3 years ago (I’m 42). I love it. It just makes me happy every time I hear it.

It’s one of my favs. It is SO happy!

Carol of the Bells is literally the only good one.

i think the song is cute

Nick i’m very angry that “Feliz Navidad” is on this list. It is easily the best Christmas song.

I’m so mad that people hate Dominic the Donkey, probably more than is strictly warranted. It’s easily one of my favorites. It’s the perfect amount of kitsch and self-embracing stereotypes that perfectly matches the spirit of an Italian-American Christmas. I feel like people who hate it didn’t grow up around as, with,