
1.5 million dogs euthanized in shelters in THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD every year and we still have to counter the nonsense of people insisting that they have to buy dogs because the shelters and shelter/rescue dogs are shitty. Thank you for your fine arguments, I can’t do it any more, it’s exhausting and

If we could lower to zero the number of dogs euthanized in shelters each year, which is about 1.5 million, the breeder thing would solve itself. I’m not against purebred dogs at that point, I could watch Westminster with glee instead of predicting what trendy purebreds are going to be purchased and dumped by jerks

I think corgis are cute too, but I’d take a corgiless world over one with hundreds of thousands of perfectly healthy dogs being euthanized every year.

Not to mention that traumatized dogs aren’t necessarily violent, and aren’t somehow undeserving of love and care just because they’ve been abused.

I’m always super torn over breeders. I love that we have all of these unique, wonderful breeds. The world is better because we have corgis, wire haired fox terriers, greater swiss mountain dogs, german shorthaired pointers, and every other unique breed out there, except maybe poodles and chihuahuas. I love mutts, too,

For what it costs to get a dog from a breeder, people could travel to where dogs of their particular liking are available for adoption. The internet makes it very easy. People who lack the will or the resources to travel a little bit to get a dog aren’t going to have the commitment or money needed to take proper care

I agree, although I’ll make the exception for working dogs that are bred for a specific purpose and the owner is using that breed of dog to do what it is meant to do (like people who tether a husky to their body for cross country skiing or people who buy sheep dogs to actually herd sheep). I’m in the process of

She should have just gotten a couple stuffed animals. Maybe furbies.

I will never understand people who get animals without being committed to them. I just adopted two cats from the pound - and I got zero questions about my work habits so I agree with you that she is a liar. One cat was a feral that lived behind the pound and they worked with him until they felt he was ready to be

yes, this is true. And when that day comes, she will take such good care of you my friend.

Is “dead” something said by kids-these-days?

I knew a couple that was dead set on a specific breed, and had their calendars marked to pick it up from the breeder. My sister spent 5 minutes on Google and found a rescue with dogs of that breed that was closer to them than the breeder, and they passed on contacting them. They wanted a puppy they could train

As we found out, yep, no corgi! He was listed on petfinder at a corgi mix, ostensibly a guess because of his super stumpy legs and kind of long body. We did one of those wisdom panels, which of course have to be taken with a grain of salt. But no corg. Chu and toy fox terrier and some dachshund and some mystery dog.

“And if someone is so insistent on getting a particular breed that they can’t bother looking for a breed-specific rescue and would pass over abandoned shelter dogs to buy from a breeder, that person should not have a dog in the first place.”

He’s splendid, but that isn’t a corgi. Maaaaaybe a corgi/chihuahua mix

I really appreciate you fighting the good fight but I find even here breeder dog buyers are set in their anti-mutt/shelter/rescue dog ways. They turn a blind eye to the suffering their dog purchasing perpetuates. A couple months ago some person here went on and on in some garbage post about how they (she and her

aw, sweetie! I’m glad she found such a wonderful home! She is indeed very beautiful, and obviously very loved.

I adopted my purebred white german shepherd two years ago - she was purchased at an Amish breeder auction in rural Iowa by an underground rescue team. She had been kept inside with just a small cage and a tiny run for almost five years. She had never felt rain, heard birds, hardly even seen the sun. It cost me $500

Yeah, any puppies ready around Christmas are not coming from reputable brerders. Also, a reputable breeder will have contracts, and enforce those contracts, ensuring dogs get returned to them if their owners no longer want them. Most breed governing bodies have rescues that pull from shelters. Amazingly it’s not as

It’s not a weird position to take, it’s actually quite common. I suggest you visit your local human society sometime. They take in plenty of purebred dogs (i.e. dogs that are more prone to health problems than mutts) and puppies. I’ve had 3 shelter dogs, all of them adopted as puppies. And shelters can vary in terms