
Ok...but no one said anything about a micro breakup. It’s just about using every minute alone that you can as a way of not letting kids, and money, and household stuff get in the way of your actual relationship. Microdates are about making the most of an hour or two after the kids go to bed which shows your partner

Who hurt you?

It’s really just letting your significant other that you value and can enjoy the small but valuable amounts of time you get to spend with one another.

Maybe just the fact that you think of it that way would be romantic in it self.A Plus -Plus

Wish I had some secret knowledge to share. I’m just got lucky and got married to my best friend.

While my wife was pregnant, one of her friends told us to make sure we’d still go out on dates even after the baby came. We started joking that whenever we’d drop the baby off with his grandparents while we went to Target, we were on a date. It’s nice to know that the joke-that-turned-into-a-real-thing (at least for

Watching Bob Ross together? Relationship goals! Actually, all of this is. Teach me everything.  

As an anesthesiologist I want to congratulate the author for this well written, informative and scientifically correct article. I have only one piece of information to add: there is a category of pregnant women who will benefit greatly from an epidural - these are women with a certain type of heart disease or

I’m glad my kid isn’t the only one who loses her arms from time to time. That made me laugh.

I downloaded these cheesy cards and printed them out.

Make up a drinking game.


My wife went into the hospital with a desire but no attachment to that desire to give birth without pain control. She held for as long as she could and then asked for the epidural and has no regrets. She ended up having to have an emergency c-section because the cord was wrapped around our daughters neck and she was

I went into my daughter’s birth with a pain management plan that had epidural as a last resort. After ~18hrs of labor, I opted for an epidural, and I’m glad I did so. I wound up in labor for 36hrs, which wouldn’t progress due to my daughter’s position & my pelvis shape - neither of which was known to me. And even with

10 mins into labor my wife switched from no epidural to “i want the fucking epidural” her words. she’s a small women but at that moment i was a little afraid. Second kid she asked for the epidural before she got checked in lol

Thanks for electing a person that literally said he assaults women and is openly a bigot.

Thanks United States electorate for nominating a reality TV star and a person under an FBI investigation as the best choices for what is considered the most important position in the world.

Hell yeah! And what a great public works program that would be. Jobs! Internet! What a world.

Not just “Internet” but “wired Broadband Internet” should be a basic right. That’s what we’ve recently legislated over here in Canada.

It’s going to be a rough few years while this winds its way through the courts, but once it gets to SCOTUS, I think Net Neutrality will be restored once and for all. Even though Chief Justice Roberts is a Bush appointee, he has fairly consistently guided the court to appropriate (albeit narrow) decisions on the most