
Oh! Thank you, I will give that a try!

Yes, agreed. I’m going to it’s very common to doubt your senses and convince yourself you didn’t experience what you did. I saw a spirit a few years ago and if not for other things that happened, I think I possibly would have convinced myself by now that I didn’t see what I thought I did. I used to question myself all

That is terrifying. She is so smart though, she knew right away they were in danger, trusted her instincts, and kept them safe! Goodness. I can’t imagine listening to someone die like that either, how awful a thing to live with. :(

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful house. And that was your room?! Well, colour me jealous haha. Except for everything else and now I want to hate it. If it’s true that the architect is a creep, I wonder if that thing wasn’t somehow his disturbing energy. 😯

Ooof, that is creepy as F.

Oh, also love your sn. My daughter’s name is Athena. 😊

I wish I knew haha. It’s very interesting. Maybe it’s just a time of heightened emotions, lack of sleep, stress ...

Very sweet, I loved that. Thanks for sharing! ❤️

That sure is a resemblance! Oh gosh, this story breaks my heart. But wow, so interesting. Hell of a memory you have too. My sister has a memory like that, it’s impressive as hell. One of those types who remembers being in the womb.

How absolutely horrific for that little girl if this is accurate. It’s unfortunate the family didn’t treat their workers better, if that’s what happened, but my goodness that poor child. :(

Maybe that’s why they moved out, because of whatever else lives there lol.

I love these. And hate them at the same time haha. But I do absolutely the spirit that some folks get into for Halloween. 😊

Had a neighbor who did this! Scared the living crap out of me as a teenager😄. He had a life size fake gorilla-man (or rather, sasquatch I guess?) sitting on the bench on his porch all October. Come Halloween when I walk up to the door and joked with my friends that it was just a fake prop, suddenly it jumped up and

Thank you for taking the time to share that. What an intriguing experience. I mean, I am sorry for your loss and it’s not a good experience. Just very interesting what you saw and how you felt. You described it very well, I found that to be very compelling. Who knows if it was visions brought on a by a migraine, all


After each one of my pregnancies (only until about 6 months post partum) I experienced some wild paranormal stuff. It was actually pretty neat (with one terrifying experience). I have 3 kids and it was literally only within those 6 months after being pregnant. So strange! But I know there’s something about that period

A friend of mine passed a few years ago. One of our other friends had a train & tracks that this friend had bought for her son. Some time after he had passed, it started going at night, even though it was turned off. So she ended up taking the batteries out of it. And then it went off randomly again another night,

OMG I bust out laughing at that! Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting. What a thing to have happen 😄. That poor other kid haha.

I remember this. You may think they get lost in the greys, but there are some of us who read evvverything.😉

My son would just scream and scream. 😔