
“Good god! That’s 2017's entrance music!”

I get it now. 2016 isn’t real, it just refuses to break kayfabe.

I absolutely agree but while I am stranded here doing phone interviews I have to write something. That’s my job. So I did this. I’m certainly not planning a series on my coldness or my feelings.

Good. Fuck this guy.

Once I really pissed off this Québécois. We were in Japan at a share house and he was going around asking people if they had ever had “real maple syrup” and giving them tastes of stuff from Quebec. He asked me, and I replied “yeah! Like from Maine!” because I grew up in New England and that is where we get the good

Here’s a link. Don’t know if people will get pissy if I post the actual pic.

Among other things, I think it is erroneous to assume that the only misconduct that could be involved by an officer in the shooting of a civilian would need to be race based. I’m not comfortable looking at a situation where an innocent man was mistakenly approached by a police officer and who was shot and killed

They took credit for it. But the government was going to cancel 6 billion in contracts and that’s what made them change their minds. It wasn’t Trump and Pence.

One note, though. Since when could lasers just blow away the legs of an Imperial Walker? Doesn’t the second “A” in “AT-ACT” stand for “Armored?” There must have been a pretty substantial improvement in armor technology between the AT-ATs of The Empire Strikes Back and AT-ACTs of Rogue One


The Chicago area road construction unions made a statement on this.

Of course they can do it so fast, what with all the experience dealing with Godzilla.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

Everyone knows during a natural disaster that the steaks are high.

You might say they’re....

Peter Mayhew shared pictures of the original script on twitter about a year ago. Chewbacca’s “talking” isn’t scripted, just descriptions. Here is an example.

She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.

No idea how he got a hold of Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke’s speech.