Even better they're now claiming it's some guy in a series of bdsm scat porn videos who goes by the name Slave Ray.
Even better they're now claiming it's some guy in a series of bdsm scat porn videos who goes by the name Slave Ray.
So let me make something plain. I don't like you sucking around, bothering our citizens, Trump.
That's the classic SNL inconsistency we all know and tolerate
It's the eighties
Do a lot of coke and vote for Ronald Reagan
That's because it is the doo-wop chord progression in C.
That's what makes it especially stupid in NC. A full third of the legislative seats are unopposed and nearly 90% are essentially safe for one party or the other due to gerrymandering. They don't need to appeal to the base to get re-elected with little effort.
A subtle point that was missed is the notion within evangelical culture of being "not of the world", meaning to limit as much as possible their involvement with secular society. In turn this has led a lot of churches, especially the more decentralized denominations to adopt quasi-cult tendencies to wall themselves off…
I don't know if the thrash scene is an appropriate parallel because most of them actively sought mainstream acceptance, and at least for a time that was a possibility as part of the overall popularity of metal in the 80s.
There was definitely an overlap. Look at how many hardcore bands in the 90s made careers off of jocking Slayer riffs.
All the evils of Ronnie Raygun originate with Nixon. It was his ratfuck crew that staffed the Reagan administration.
I thought that had more to do with Brian May and Roger Taylor thinking Sacha Baron Cohen would be a distraction despite being the one person on earth suitable for the role.
Yeah they were pretty far ahead of the curve for a while there. I'm not proud of being nonplussed by 2 girls 1 cup when I immediately recognized it as swap.avi
In the case of image macros they did start at Something Awful around 2001/2002 before moot left to start 4chan.
The irony of liberals in the north patting themselves on the back for their enlightened nature is things have gotten so bad there for black folk the past 30 years there's actually a reverse great migration to the south.
Lemmy. In part because he was Hendrix's roadie in England and partly because it's Lemmy.
Also ditching NYC for Wichita doesn't sound like a solid plan for a guy who still harbors aspirations.
Get that man his ball of dope.
Pretty sure it's just Betty realizing after the car incident that Henry will be too broken up to take care of the nuts and bolts stuff after she croaks, so she put it on Sally.
Yep. It's always white liberals who run with the line about him being Scalia's puppet and being dumb, and it smacks of a bit of the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Better practice what you preach lest you be sent over the wall.