Fart Johnson

How bout that my dong points in the z-direction.

To quote a fine statesman, I'd rather there were two Holocausts than one KISS.

My old roommate put it best in regard to Phish, Sublime, Dave Matthews, and the rest of the white boy canon: it's all aggressively mediocre.

That's true but it's a high probability that if you're a college freshman who blasts Legend or 40 Oz to Freedom while doing one-hitters under your Jim Belushi, MC Escher, Pulp Fiction or Storm Thorgerson Floyd poster with a rolled up towel under the dorm room door, you're not a very interesting person and will in all

A tiny Calvin in a mason jar full of pee?

They later found their own voice, but early Mastodon is mostly just a less deliberately off-putting Today Is The Day. Listen to In The Eyes of God and Call of the Mastodon back to back and the similarities (beyond the obvious- sharing band members) are unmistakable.

SOA is the textbook case of missed opportunity. If they'd just kept it to the A-Team on motorcycles without all the pointless soap opera stuff and the bad guy organization bingo the later seasons turned into it could've been a decent escapist action show like Strike Back.

They skipped a couple years after season 2.

I don't think they need to hire someone named Twink when they already have Shep Smith.

Haha nope, I did the same thing. Half expected Philip to go to his room and blast some Venom after his temper tantrum.

Really she should be hosting weekend update by herself. It's better as a one-person gig.

This was a standout episode because even the weirder stuff were actual sketches with a structure instead of the show's regular formula of throw out a premise and run it into the ground five minutes after the sketch should've ended.

Wynton Marsalis. Again.

Obviously you've never been to a suburban evangelical youth group. Indoctrination's putting it lightly.

Honestly we're about to the point we should just split the ACC into two conferences- the original teams that are left plus GA Tech and everyone else.

Sepinwall's an idiot, so there's that.

Simon! That was the last bowl!

Finally, Obama answered my White House petition!

Sounds like a cross between Today Is The Day and Dragged Into Sunlight.

Pretty sure it was their manager since he got busted running a drug ring out of his night club and all that.