
What I’m saying is that the message is not look at this examine the deeper meaning the message is shock clickbait buy my record I’m hip I like art. The context totally matters. This drivel proves that art world credibility is something that is for sale. He can afford to buy ten galleries.

When rich people make things it’s art and when the rest of us make things it’s craft. Everyone makes art and half the time I respect children’s art more than the pretentious drivel coming from art students. If an artist is superficial and vapid I will probably glean that that attitude is present in their work. This is

PS The video is "Bullying as Art, Abuse as Craftmanship" and is so Kanye

What is the point though? I tried to glean something intelligent from this thing and all I could think was damn he treats that Amber Rose like shit! If it's art play it in a gallery and not on E. It's basically a commercial for the album so it has more in common with advertising than art.