
Could you say that again into this flower?

I'm ok with it not being RR in anyway. It wasn't his fault, per say, that the wolverine deadpool was a ridiculous, but green lantern nearly killed me. So i say keep RR away from the comicbook characters and let's go find us a new Merc with a Mouth.

I already completely and unironically love this movie. It's like my 7 year-old self is reaching forward from 1985 and stroking my heart while whispering "motherfuckin' ninjas, dude!" I kinda had a potty mouth.

As far as I'm concerned, there's only one Doctor Who, and it's run from 1963 to the present with the occasional gaps.

Who the hell is voting for Game of Thrones over DS9?

Oh, well... This is awkward ;)

Yes, apparently they have found the polar opposite of the "nerdgasm", and it hurts like hell.

Mst3k was groundbreaking. Fringe was okay, but it was just another science fiction show modelled after shows like X-Files. It was good, but MST3K was amazing.

just talking about it is getting me excited. the avengers could be a 20 year experience without any reboots when it's all said and done

oh i wish they'd stop talking about the kid in the new iron man movie. It's making me nervous, like a new car salesmen who knows he has a lemon but keeps trying to talk it up to you. "no, no no, you see the seat are suppose to have springs pushing into your ass, it keeps you awake on long night drives" *headdesk*.

Between this, his activism on abuse against women, the behind the scene stories of ST:TNG, his pop ups on all of places Sesame Street and The Daily Show, Patrick Stewart seems to be just one cool cat. Like even if he wasn't a famous actor, I'd like to hang out with him because he seems like he would be a blast.

And she's Greedo approved.

Pheobe Cates.

I haven't been watching Wrestling since the F turned into an E. Can this Bautista guy act? Or will he disappear behind make-up anyway?