
This movie keeps sounding better n better. Loved him in SGA.

Oh so true. SPOILERS!!!

He clearly studied at the Zapp Brannigan Universal Institute of Military Stratagem.

Even still, BOOM, dead, thanks for playing...lame.

LOL It always got me when Picard kills the Borg in the Holodeck with tommy-guns because he shut off the safety protocols...so in a sense, they were killed by a hologram...OK, sure...that shit never would have worked for Archer, but Picard...

Agreed. I thought P:WZ wasn't terrible & he was great. But I don't think a Punisher movie is something Disney wants to get involved with(especially if done right).

I'm still not sure how well Under the Dome will translate as a series. The premiss of the book wasn't strong to begin with(and I am a King fan). I'll give it a chance, but not sure I can care enough about the story to invest.

Sounds cool. Real cool.

I've been itching for a book to pick up again, but some of my old reads(X-Men(most of the teams), ASM, most Batman books, Silver Surfer, etc) seem so strange now & I think I'd be lost if I tried. Any advice? I tried a few of the New 52(JL, Batman & GL), but meh...

I stopped reading comics years ago(so I have no clue these days), but everyone seems to really be into Batwoman. I always liked Huntress. She was badass.

It did look like it should be her real color. When I first saw her as a blonde, it didn't seem real & still doesn't.

Whilst I think...what females in comics are you interested in reading, if you're no fan of BC?

That goes for most things. But at face value...

I'm thinking...but I keep circling back to latex bodysuit & boobs...

O that's just ridiculous....

I'm sure it doesn't hurt the sales...and if Black Cat will be in SM2 then you can guess having 3 young, attractive women puts giant dollar signs in Sony's eyes. MJ, Black Cat & Gwen in one movie is a SM fanboys dream-porn.

I see what you're saying. She does placate to those levels. A sexy, flirty villainess who's playful with the nerd of superheros totally makes the male nerd reader warm in the underoos....

Damn. Now I want Hellboy in the Avengers...

"parody of what every comic nerd boy dreams of"