I think the issue is that all the Presidents have been men & the interns would be submissive women. Do you see where that can have a negative connotation? I do.
I think the issue is that all the Presidents have been men & the interns would be submissive women. Do you see where that can have a negative connotation? I do.
I bet Pegg is gonna find a way to get in the new SW, and I want that badly, if nothing else but in a cantina scene.
Carl feels like a ticking time-bomb & the fallout will be felt throughout.
The best part of the episode: Daryl taking his crossbow back from Woodbury Goon #3. Pure Daryl gold.
I feel bad for the people who worked on this show being let go, but I doubt even they watched it...
I'm with you. It looks like ass & Singer is an ass-clown. I remember a time when I was excited for the possibilities of a sequel to XM:FC, but not it just sounds like a hotmess.
Absolutely. When I read The Gunslinger, I was hooked(and it was AGONY waiting for him to finish them all). He just always seemed to have a way to describe the worlds he was creating that I could really see/feel. I have first editions of It & The Stand that my dad got way back when. I was never aloud to touch them when…
You troll so hard.
My dad had a lot from Alan dean Foster he gave me, too. Spellsinger series was one of the first I bought myself & really took as "my own." I liked those stories & always thought they could have made nice animated movies.
Fantastic! I think I'll start with Cabin in the Woods, because of how this site raves about it. I, too, enjoyed the remake of Fright Night(Tenant was great, as usual), and completely agree with the distaste for the torture porn horror shit. I've never been squeamish, but can't/won't watch those. And to think they made…
Great movie. Good call.
What genre of horror films do you get into? I've never been big on those, but a lot of people I share interests in do, so I figured I should at least give one a chance.
Such a tough, tough life :P
Cool. I just borrowed Old Boy from a friend for tonight. Seen it? Thoughts?
I just want to know if there's a Thin Mint Millennium Falcon attached near the garbage hatch?
Much appreciated. I'll try to find Tai-Chi Master tonight.
Cool. Thanks. Also love the classics, like Master of the Flying Guillotine. Anything on par with that you suggest?
What can you prescribe then? Need a good martial arts movie fix. My last was Master of the Flying Guillotine & it was right up my alley.
Fair enough. Disappointing, tho. In need of a good martial arts movie. Suggestions?