
No; the Punisher is leagues ahead of Iron Fist. I’d put it in the same tier as the second season of Daredevil, ahead of S2 of JJ and Defenders, but behind S1 of DD, S1 of JJ and the first half of S1 of Luke Cage.

“But her character and scenes (this is the fault of the writers, not her) was the biggest drag in that movie. It’s the second time I felt like a Star Wars movie was shoehorning a character in for no reason at all. Jar Jar was the first.” 

Took responsibility how? He certainly didn’t, say, offer to pay her medical fees.

Brantum Leap.

Disney has high hopes for Porkins: A Star Wars Story.

The finale of ABT2 is completely bonkers. I LOVE IT.

“Apologize to the rice right now” was my email signature quote for so long.

Hey! I thought you said there was no mention of Trump on the album!

I felt like Ms. Walter was under a tremendous amount of pressure to “forgive” Tambor, especially in light of how the men in the room were 100% behind him and ignored her pain. My interpretation was Ms. Walter did what she had to do to move on and keep the peace, an action with which women are too frequently tasked.

But she was a victim. She literally said that she’s never experienced the kind of verbal abuse Tambor laid on her in 60(!!!) years of her working life. That speaks volumes to how he treated her. Her decision to forgive him does not negate anything her did. Listen to the audio. The pain in her voice is so palpable.

Academy Award Winner Louis Gossett Jr.


SpecialEffect are a UK charity that aim to help people with physical disabilities enjoy video games and they had a part in the development of this.

Is Big G just gonna be a gaseous space cloud again? Still angry about that shit.

Again, is anybody surprised that the people that got to see a Star Wars movie first are saying it’s good? Would they really say otherwise?

Yep. “Utterly baffling disaster averted,” elides the part where we still got an utterly baffling disaster out the whole thing.

“Can we pretty much all agree that Guardians 2 was pretty much a wasted effort?”

I really love that batshit-crazy Transformers vs GI Joe series that IDW put out a few years ago.

Can’t be said enough how brilliant this show is. I can’t wait to see what AVC thinks of the last few episodes. I still can’t stop thinking about it two weeks after finishing all 10.

Now playing

I think we can all agree this was definitely a moment that was missing, and at the same time, laugh at how incredibly enthusiastic this crowd was about features that they’d already had for years. (For anyone who wasn’t in the loop, that’s how bad the Xbone was looking at the time.)