I’m almost with you. Frankly the only thing I could imagine wanting to see less than a Solo prequel is a bloody Boba Fett movie.
I’m almost with you. Frankly the only thing I could imagine wanting to see less than a Solo prequel is a bloody Boba Fett movie.
Not to mention the most violent approach to curing mental health I’ve ever seen. Nothing like watching the gleeful laughter of your best friend’s twin brother as you overcome your catatonia with a 9mm semi-automatic
‘That’s not a salesman. That’s you’re Daddy’
Get used to hearing a lot of people asking a lot of other people how they did at university. It’s an utterly bizarre part of all the TV adaptations.
Ah, here it is -
Interesting, I’ve never taken the performance of Pentangeli’s brother as mentally challenged- more overawed and sadned to see his brother talking to authorities. That’s then combined with a genuine lack of English. The lines about all it took was him to come there I felt showed he was a man who reminded Frank of his…
John Ridgeway is a glorious artist and a kind, friendly guy but who the hell at Marvel UK thought he should be drawing a two parter about transforming robots...
Ha, reminds me of when I went to see Superman IV at the local swimming pool and they’d put a trailer for Platoon on beforehand. Some of the kids did not take that well,
I’ll buy the idea that the insult may not be intentional - but the rest of that just reads like Wikipedia volunteers doing their best to justify not having to think about the wider implication of their words. It feels like there isn’t the same history of highlighting the offensiveness of the term from disabled people…
So it’s exactly the same term as in the UK. The reason is what seems as hateful is that it was an insult directed at people who moved in a jerky way due to muscle spasticity Cerebral Palsy - so it is being used in exactly that way in the US.
No but I remember when the repeats jumped into colour in the 80s and the show went from ancient and totally dull to dull
What the fucking hell does spastic mean in your country? Because here in the UK that is a hateful, hateful sentence
Imagine that Blue Thunder series
This is sad, mind you I’m still heart broken Slings and Arrows was cancelled. Or that Galatica 1980 was where Larson went for a second series of Battlestar...
Goddamn it, the last episodes of Lost were fantastic - getting to watch Charlie, Claire and Aaron meet again was not a betrayal.
I mean, other than the episode where a war criminal is shown touring the galaxy performing shakespeare and the whole crew are on the safe of their seats for a chance to see a vid screening of his performance...
I mean, there’s a whole band performing at one point. Admittedly their biggest cultural icon seems to be The Muppets....
I really can not bear Bingo.
That and The Seven Percent Solution - which I only caught for the first time last year and is magnificent