My dad hasn’t played a game seriously since Quake 2. We got him an Xbox One S with Battlefield for Christmas and now he puts a couple hours in every night.
My dad hasn’t played a game seriously since Quake 2. We got him an Xbox One S with Battlefield for Christmas and now he puts a couple hours in every night.
I wouldn’t really say intervention.
“Not recommended” is not necessarily “dis gAme sUxXxX ”.
Ark: Survival Evolved mutates again with its new v257 patch released on Friday. Among other things, it adds lasers…
Because battlelog is a piece of shit and you should be able to do everything in-game (customization is coming, patience young one).
Just relax.
Winston as a scout would’ve been able to see Bastion coming a mile away and alerted his team, hence easy countering. But nice try though, hahaha
I honestly don’t know what else you want me to say.
What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!
So you would swerve into the oncoming truck?
A few years ago I was working at Bioware, and during an all-hands meeting they were announcing to employees what the next few projects were going to be. There was much teasing and hint-dropping during the speeches leading up to the announcement, and just before the slate was announced, I called out from the crowd:…
Dont snipe myself, but in this mode a sniper/runner works real well.
But I don’t think you understand, you see it wasn’t quite as good as I was expecting!!!
People with shitty generic names shouldn’t cast stones.
Ok, hifrequency.
Rimworld has a pretty nifty zombie apocalypse mod that sends in zombie raids. People that get bit can get infected. If they die, they come back green and mean and after that spleen. The virus can also go airborne, after which anybody that dies comes back.
ok... you cant get mad at US for not knowing you’re deaf lol... “nothing annoys me more than elitist pricks who thinks that mics are the only way to game.” thats very selfish thinking as people usually don’t even THINK about deaf people playing and voice communication IS the best way to communicate...
I get your point…
Gotta have a continual revenue stream to beable to pay people to fix the bugs and performance issues in the long term. And the best way to do so is to have DLC.
50 hours. Isn’t a lot. Are you joking? How useless is your time that you’re playing two entire days’ worth of a game to give it a “fair shot”? At that point you could just wait past the first second of availability and read a review or something, before buying the game. 50 hours saved!
You played it while it crashed a lot for 25 hours?
I mean... I dated a girl for 3 years once, before I realized I hated her.