
An essential tool, putty is, but I don't think that it needs any of these features. What it does need is a multi-tabbed interface. And decent default color schemes (as opposed to unreadably dark blue on a black background, as some of the defaults are, for example).

I don't think anyone's claiming that this backs up the drivers, are they? It backs up the list.

I prefer the old adage: "Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either, just f**k off and leave me alone."

The fact that this is web-based is a death sentence, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm missing the point. Why is this any better than the standard Windows task manager for killing applications and processes?

@Protector one: Don't know much about this one, but other patch tools typically do not require any installation. You simply ship an EXE to them and that EXE, built from the before/after delta, patches the target files.

Patch tools are definitely useful for shipping out minor deltas to large files (or filesets). I've historically used ClickTeam's PatchMaker.

This 'trick' does not allow you to run multiple versions of the same program. It allows you to run multiple instances of the same version of a program. Two quite different things.

I think you'd have to be really desperate to run a program full-time that requires the .Net framework.

I didn't see tequila anywhere in that list of ways to be happier at work.

This seems to me to be a solution in search of a problem.

"One should not friend another"? Is this some kind of teen speak? Or do you mean "befriend"?

Or you could mark inches and centimetres on opposing (long) sides of a single dollar bill and then don't spend that dollar bill. I have money on hand much more frequently than I have headphones.


The original advice seems highly suspect to me. Why would you want to fill in the scratches with banana, which is surely what you're doing?

I prefer to cut a hole in the corner of my pants' pocket just as I leave the car. This will cause my coins to fall out one by one and leave an easily-retraced path to my house.

So what can I use to clean my bananas?

Oh Lord, not another (big & slow) Java application, please.