Subaru’s AWD is legit better, better ground clearance than competitors.
Subaru’s AWD is legit better, better ground clearance than competitors.
I truly don’t understand the hate, here. Is it just the name? Because the rest of it sounds awesome and I wish more companies would produce something like this for people.
It’s a backlight, a term favored by Aaron Severson at Ate Up With Motor. That solves your problem entirely since both parties to the question are wrong so nobody’s widdle feewings get bruised by losing.
Jalopnik: [shown excessive chrome and swoop designs] Too busy! Too much! What happened to simple designs???
Hoka One One Stinson Tarmac (now called Lite): The low heel/toe drop and slight rocker are conducive to forefoot striking and the extra padding keeps your feet from getting annihilated when doing lots of miles. The outsoles of the tarmac/lite versions last much longer than the softer trail versions. They aren’t cheap,…
Hoka One One Stinson Tarmac (now called Lite): The low heel/toe drop and slight rocker are conducive to forefoot…