
nope. your “test” is uncontrolled, unscientific, non-repeatable, and therefore invalid. If you ran your test and got one set of numbers, then I ran your test as close to the “same” way but on a different day (which was 10° hotter, had a 15 mph stronger headwind, and oh by the way I’m 80lbs heavier than you,) I’d get


Software cheats don’t require much in the way of budget, mate. You need a laptop and let’s see, what else?...a person.

Everyone really believes that the board knows all about this?

You’re nuts. Its the opposite. The engineers were surely under pressure to get it right, and couldn’t. So they fudged it.

From the article linked above:

Let’s argue that he had limited knowledge of the scheme. One engineer or programmer or team of them says to him, “Don’t worry we know how to get the TDIs through testing without it being an issue.”

Totally agree. That report made me so mad for the way it’s being portrayed in the media.

Emissions-reducing technologies “are optimized for the tested conditions and there is substantial anecdotal evidence that the cars detect when they are tested and deploy ‘cycle-beating’ techniques to reduce emissions,”

You’d be surprised just how oblivious top executive staff can be about this kind of thing. They exist to make sure particular numbers are being met, they don’t really care how most of the time, nor do they know. It’s down to the individual teams to make the measures happen.

i agree. Thats why blanket statements dont work. If i had been in a vehicle newer then 2002 it would have had curtain airbags, which would have prevented all the hyperflexing in my neck.

i am so glad my new car has them.

[comment deleted]

No chance. No chance in hell.

F4U Corsair. Forever and always.

Nope. We’re either a sovereign country with borders to be respected, or we’re not. Irrespective of what cargo it is those subs are carrying, they’re design purpose is to defeat US Customs.

The automatic flashing headlight, typically seen on Goldwings more than anything... I get it, you want people to see you, but it’s a little too effective and crosses the line into being an annoyance for others on the road.

Not true, within the EU free travel is allowed within without a visa. Diverting from the Netherlands to Germany or Belgium (as would be the case with larger aircraft) is a non-issue. As for passengers from outside the EU, most times arrangements will and can be made by the local border authority for a temporary visa

I can’t thank you enough for that comment. After today, it means more than I could ever say.

Parent: You snuck out of the house and got high, endangering yourself and your future. Don’t do it again.

I didn’t see bug juice mentioned. kool aid type drink in crews mess always ontap from the stirring machine.