Parts of Asia are a challenge...good point.
Parts of Asia are a challenge...good point.
CR-Y me a river
Miata. I was but a wee lad in 1989 when they were released but I'm pretty sure nobody said "You know what we need? A tiny, nimble, 2-seat roadster, imitating the classic British sports car formula, made by a Japanese automaker." And thus a legend was born.
This. So much this. I hate it when people wave you out because of this. I have occasionally stopped to leave somebody room to pull out (so I'm not blocking an intersection, for example), but I don't acknowledge the other vehicle. Certainly don't blink lights or wave at them. Just leave some space and if they use it…
Yep, never wave someone through or you could be held liable for an accident. Just leave space.
That's the cylinder release.
The "safety" on a revolver is generally carrying it with the hammer down on an unloaded chamber. That makes accidental discharge exceedingly difficult.
My read of the article is not that Apple headhunters are doing the LinkedIn sifting, it's i-Fanboi bloggers who are doing all this detective work. That's what's creepy.
Yes, there is still some reference there to "improper" repairs and maintenance, but the warranty doesn't specify affirmatively that maintenance is required, nor does it specify a maintenance schedule (or where to look for one).
Apparently Radio shack sells Nixie tubes. Cool!
her dad sounds like a narcissistic asshole for sure.
I slid my Integra into a tree 4 months before it was due to be turned back at the end of the lease. Had I not hit that tree I would have had to pay thousands to cover my milage overage, as it turned out the insurance company paid off the car and I got a couple grand as well. One of the luckiest things ever to happen…
Can confirm! One of my customers is a BHPH dealer and they spent almost $30k last year on additional keys for the car. Every car is GPS tracked and they get court orders every month for access to the data of where the car has been etc.
Yeah. When she went into the daycare to pick up her kids, probably with the engine still running judging by the description of two guys getting into the car and just driving it off. That takes seconds. It's not like she went shopping with her baby in the car.
You know, I get that you have an intellectual disagreement with the USAF's decision about the A10. I agree with you, but at some point, when does needlessly rehashing what we all already know become treason? You go with the big headline, so my question is fair as well.
I'm actually okay with shitty little cars. I believe in a free market, and if people are willing to buy shitty little cars, companies should be allowed to sell shitty little cars.
Spot on. All versions of this car are gone from the face of the earth. All the rest of the cars in these comments I see on a daily basis here in Cali.
Vega. The answer is Vega.
When I went to Mitsubishi school back in.... 2002? They told us that they were coming out with a truck based on the Dakota someday.
I just had to post this because I'm so proud to own one of the actual Subaru 360's used in this pilot episode. It will possibly be in future episodes as well. I'm really looking forward to watching this series, the first episode was very good.
I walked into one of those and was absolutely floored by how much some of that shit costs (especially the rent-to-own cost!). How those businesses stay alive just proves the amount of idiots out there.