
I took mine through one of the worst blizzards in the last few years, did have to plow a couple places, but the Miata is light enough a lot of the times you can just fly right over big piles and not sink in if you have good speed.

Snowmiata > all

Watching Marquez race is one of the best spectacles in modern motorsport. When everyone else is going in one direction (wheels in line, early breaking, high corner speeds), he's in another direction and re-inventing the game and how to ride a bike quickly. Every Jalop should watch one race, even if your not a moto

Most informative reply so far!

My Ural goes like a raped ape in the snow. I put it in 2wd and drift the corners!

Whole-heartedly agree!

It's what's called a compact MPV in Europe.

You'll be driving/flying one of these VERY soon!!

We'll see what, in the long run, OEMs will do about Takata, but for now they're kind of stuck. As Craig Trudell pointed out yesterday, to force anything NHTSA will probably have to engage in a protracted legal battle.

Yeah this headline and article threw me. To me "counterfeit" would be if it was found that tires marked "Michelin" and "Made in France" were actually not either. Pegasus? Never heard of them. So this is like a discovery that cheap Walmart "Faded Glory" jeans are not actually the "real" Walmart jeans, but an imposter

Can confirm, have ridden in an Imperial

Ah, the bed cover. Turning the best feature of any truck into a car trunk. Perfect for any and all office workers who just have to have a truck.

That is not what I meant.

May I present, my DD.

Drug dealers, illegals, strippers, wait staff, and other tax evaders to name a few.

Kind of a non-story. A person made an understandable mistake, and it all was corrected when it came to light. So what? Everyone makes little mistakes every now and then, and it's not front page news.

This is definitely one of my pics. I think the design has aged really well.